Starting Windows Movie Maker



How do I get or start Windows Movie Maker? I have a 1 year old PC with
Windows XP SP2. I don't see Movie Maker in the Accessories menu. I've done
Windows Update. I thought that this would have downloaded Movie Maker if I
didn't have it already.

John Inzer

Tom said:
How do I get or start Windows Movie Maker? I have a 1
year old PC with Windows XP SP2. I don't see Movie Maker
in the Accessories menu. I've done Windows Update. I
thought that this would have downloaded Movie Maker if I
didn't have it already.
Movie Maker 2.1 is included as a component
of WinXP SP2.

Go to...Start / Run...enter..."moviemk.exe"...
press...Enter. If you have Movie Maker this
will launch it.

If it does not the following:

What can I do if I upgrade to Windows
XP SP2 and Windows Movie Maker 2.1
is not installed successfully?

Bad Installation Of Movie Maker 2.1

Also you might consider reinstalling WinXp

Download Windows XP SP2


John Inzer
MS Picture It! MVP

Please understand...this is not tech support.
We are simply volunteers who attempt to assist
folks who are having problems. What works for
us may not work for anyone else...

Good luck in solving your problem.

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Thanks Jim. It was right there in that folder.
I had read that the shortcut was supposed to be in Accessories, but it
isn't there.


For some reason that has happened quite a few times.
I have never seen it personally but have had to point out the actual file to
many people in this NG.


Jim solved the problem and Tom T thanked him. Was anything else required?

Well you see, a problem hasn't really been solved until we all hear what
"Wojo" has to say about it? And here it is folks.........

Wojo said:
For some reason that has happened quite a few times.

REPLY: That's helpful.
I have never seen it personally but have had to point out the actual file to
many people in this NG.

REPLY: Now that's, impressive.

You see folks, this is "Wojo's" NG and as he mentioned in another post, he
will get to all your questions, so please be patient. If by chance you've
already got an answer from someone else that solved your problem, please
don't forget to check back to read what "Wojo" had to say. He's a legend you
know (in his own mind).

You can find him somewhere between your upper thighs and lower spine.


PS - This is how to reply correctly isn't it "Wojo"?


Do you feel better now?

NOTEKY said:
Jim solved the problem and Tom T thanked him. Was anything else required?

Well you see, a problem hasn't really been solved until we all hear what
"Wojo" has to say about it? And here it is folks.........

REPLY: That's helpful.

REPLY: Now that's, impressive.

You see folks, this is "Wojo's" NG and as he mentioned in another post, he
will get to all your questions, so please be patient. If by chance you've
already got an answer from someone else that solved your problem, please
don't forget to check back to read what "Wojo" had to say. He's a legend
know (in his own mind).

Tell me where exactly I said "I" would get to all your posts?
Please do share.


NOTEKY said:
Jim solved the problem and Tom T thanked him. Was anything else required?

BTW I was replying to the comment "I had read that the shortcut was supposed
to be in Accessories, but it isn't there."
So yes I felt that something else was required or at least warranted.

So now I am done with your BS, say what you want and have a great day.



Amazing selective reading huh? :)
I am not used to such a message towards me so I went from rolling my eyes to
a bit of anger to looking through past posts as to where that came from.
After reading previous posts I discovered the "selective reading" skills
noteky seems to have and was back to rolling my eyes.

Response to this particular message was not an issue as far as I can see.

As far as "he will get to all your questions, so please be patient." it is a
good thing he didn't surround that with quotes. Not at ALL what I said.

Then there's "PS - This is how to reply correctly isn't it 'Wojo'?"
Because I politely commented about replying within the thread (easier to
follow) instead of starting a new thread (almost impossible to follow).
I'm surprised I didn't catch it for pointing Rehan to the other post by the
op which he had not yet seen.

Ok I thought I was done before but this was really annoying, although it
shouldn't have been, so I had to say something.
Now I can go back to just rolling my eyes and doing my best to help people
when I can.


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