Start>Run and Address Bar (taskbar) not Launching URLs

  • Thread starter Anand Agarawala
  • Start date

Anand Agarawala


Ever since i installed and uninstalled myIE2, i've been unable to
launch URLs by typing them into the Address Bar (on my taskbar), or by
typing them into Start>Run.

Description of error message:
If i type in an url without a preceeding "http://" I get the message
"Windows cannot find ''. Make sure you typed the
name correctly, and then try again. To search for a file, click the
Start button, and then click Search".

I've tried, without luck:
-reinstalling internet explorer
-reset web settings
-regsvr32 urlmon.dll

Any suggestions, please? Not being able to launch URLs in this way is
sooo annoying, bring back my address bar to me :(



Hi Anand,


Ever since i installed and uninstalled myIE2, i've been unable to
launch URLs by typing them into the Address Bar (on my taskbar), or by
typing them into Start>Run.

Description of error message:
If i type in an url without a preceeding "http://" I get the message
"Windows cannot find ''. Make sure you typed the
name correctly, and then try again. To search for a file, click the
Start button, and then click Search".

I've tried, without luck:
-reinstalling internet explorer
-reset web settings
-regsvr32 urlmon.dll

Any suggestions, please? Not being able to launch URLs in this way is
sooo annoying, bring back my address bar to me :(
Go to start > run and type the following:

regsvr32 actxprxy.dll
regsvr32 scrrun.dll
regsvr32 msxml.dll
regsvr32 mshtml.dll
regsvr32 shdocvw.dll
regsvr32 browseui.dll
regsvr32 msjava.dll

Good luck

Anand Agarawala

Hi Roger,

Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately it didn't work :( Do you
have any other ideas? I would really like to avoid re-installing
windows.... (would that even work?)


Anand Agarawala

One other thing that might help, when i put in a URL prefixed by an
http://, (ie: "") there is actually no error

There is the visual cues that occur when the address bar used to work,
that is:
-the quick hilighting of the URL text in the address, followed by an
immediate de-hilighting, and then the cursor moving to the front of
the URL text.

Any help would be super appreciated!


Blue Balls

I had the exact same problem. What I did to fix it was simply went to
Tools/Internet Options/Programs and clicked Reset Web Settings. That's

Good luck


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