Start Menu does not work



I have a problem with the start menu - only certain programmes will load - I
cannot get any Microsoft Office 2007 programmes to load from start menu - I
have to go the long route of opening them from programme files or from recent
documents. I have tried unpinning and pinning them again.
Anyone any ideas?


Does a reinstall (clean) of Office 2007 resolve it? Or, try running a repair
of Office...


I've similar problem, but is appears to only be Microsoft programs
(how ironic). Office 2007 won't launch from the START MENU, but if I
go into the ALL PROGRAMS and select the components from the Microsoft
Office folder menu they start.

Now a new piece of Info, I just installed a fresh version of MapPoint
2006, and I get the same behavior. Another Microsoft product that
does not launch from the Start Menu.

(Note, I have had to put the Office icons in the Quicklaunch bar to
quickly get them running).



It seems that this problem with Start Menu is becoming universal.
I, too, am having trouble. when I click on any of the links - "My
Documents,My Computer,My Pictures,My Computer, Control Panel " I get an Error
Message and the screen closes down.
The only way I can get to my files and folders is by using "Run" and typing
in the file name.
anyone else got these probs?

Ronnie Vernon MVP


What is the error message you see? What do you mean "before the screen
closes down"? What screen?


I get no extra screen. It just does not run. I checked the
properties of the icon and it points to: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft
\Windows\Start Menu\Programs and the app shortcut is in this
directory, but it just does not launch. (Note that when I do click the
icon there are no new process started either)



When I develop Vista Start Menu I meet with the same problem. In some
reason the Office create "difficult" shortcuts during installation.

So It seems MS developers trap in own trap.

Try Create shortcuts on desktop as you do it for other programs and
drop it in menu.

In any case you are welcome to try my Vista Start Menu. It run the
Office shortcuts without problems. And mach useful then menu in

Genus Neduba

Can you edit the start menu properties and change to the classical start
I had the same problem ones and needed to completely reinstall vista (and
format the drive not-using Acronis!).


I mean that the notice about " Microsoft has detected a serious error and
has to close down" message (not verbatim but Im sure you understand.!)
Since my last mail I have actually gone to the Menu Start page and ticked
the "show menus". I now have the arrow alongside each Section (Documents, My
Music, My Pictures, Control Paanel, etc) and I can get to every file from


to expand my last letter:-
Right click "Start"
Tick "Start Menu"
Tick "Customize"
Tick "Advanced"
Scroll down and tick all the "Display as a Menu" 's as you require.
You then get the full list of files on your desktop.


I can switch back to "classic" mode, but this does not quite help as
it just shows the deeper program menus (of WIndows 2000) and not the
dynamic menu list. In my "broken" Vista, I can still go to PROGRAMS
and launch them just fine, it is just that when they show up in the
dynamic menu off of Start, they do nothing.

And this is definately a Microsoft Office thing . . . the other apps
behave fine.


I have an unusual problem; I like to move all of the shortcuts in my start
menu to my user profile (Except for the Administrative tools and the Start-Up
Folder). I have moved all of the shortcuts from
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\ to C:\Users\<user
account>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\. Now, under the
Classic Start Menu, the shortcuts do not work; the Start Menu just goes away
and the program does not launch. If I switch to the "new" menu, they work

Any idea why this happens?

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