standby mode problems



My computer keeps going on standby after 30 seconds or so. Sometimes if I
leave it on overnight, I will wake up and it will be on standby. I have
adjusted all the settings in the display properties to never go on standby...
but it still does!

Please help.


are you referring to ScreenSAavewr tab and POWER button settings.
if not try them there.
do you have a UPS installed. could be it causing the problem.

(e-mail address removed)

My computer keeps going on standby after 30 seconds or so. Sometimes if I
leave it on overnight, I will wake up and it will be on standby. I have
adjusted all the settings in the display properties to never go on standby...
but it still does!

Please help.


Im not sure what a UPS do I know if I have one installed?
I can adjust my power settings either by using the application found under
Display properties >> screen saver >> power, or by adjusting the settings on
my Toshiba Power Saver program. I've tried both, neither help.


I do have my computer plugged into a surge protector with a battery back-up
called Cyber Power. I used it when I had a desktop, and I just assumed I
should continue to use it with my laptop.
Is that causing the problems?


might be, check the program that controls if to see if there is a way to turn down the sensitivity to power fluctuaions.
my APC one does allow that.

(e-mail address removed)

I do have my computer plugged into a surge protector with a battery back-up
called Cyber Power. I used it when I had a desktop, and I just assumed I
should continue to use it with my laptop.
Is that causing the problems?


Yeah, if your computer connects to the battery backup, check that program.

Also my laptop started doing this. Turns out my power supply was failing
and my laptop would only go into standby if it wasn't getting external power
for 5 minutes. That's how I wanted it to act, but it was the failing power
supply causing it to lose the external power every so often.

- skeene


Look at numerical specs for Cyber Power. It probably has no numbers
for each type of transient and protection from that transient - because
effective surge protection does not exist. It is battery backup -
doing what is already inside the laptop.

First collect useful information long before trying to fix anything.
For example, what do the XP event (system) logs report? What are (and
record) the computer setup values?

I don't see where a communication cable exists between UPS and
laptop. Is one installed? Do you know that UPS is functional? Does
it power a laptop and an incandescant light bulb simultanteously?

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