spoolsv.exe taking 99% of processor.


Brad Isaac


After setting up a temporary printer share last night and then removing it
after the job was done, the New XP box is now horribly slow. I checked
the taskmon and found that spoolsv.exe is running 99%!! when I "net stop"
the spooler, functioning returns to normal. But then the spoolsv.exe
returns and starts hogging all the processor again.

Any ideas on how to correct this? I'm stumped.


Brad Isaac


After setting up a temporary printer share last night and then removing
it after the job was done, the New XP box is now horribly slow. I
checked the taskmon and found that spoolsv.exe is running 99%!! when I
"net stop" the spooler, functioning returns to normal. But then the
spoolsv.exe returns and starts hogging all the processor again.

Any ideas on how to correct this? I'm stumped.


Whoops! Found the solution to the problem. I misspelled the spoolsv.exe
as spoolssv.exe and didn't get anything.

Spoolsv.exe processor eating is a well documented error.

Solution for posterity:

net stop spooler
clear printer queue
net start spooler

Worked great!


Hello Brad,
Can you tell me how exactly you fixed the problem?
I am having the same one and it's drivin me crazy.

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