spelling in windows mail



on emails in microsoft outlook i can set the spelling to recognise start of
sentences and insert capital letters and also recognise to put a capital i
when typing in the first tense
How is this done in windows mail


DAVEH said:
on emails in microsoft outlook i can set the spelling to recognise start
sentences and insert capital letters and also recognise to put a capital i
when typing in the first tense
How is this done in windows mail

I don't know, but here are a few steps needed to make spelling checks
work at all in Windows Mail:

Windows Mail comes with the default language for spelling checks
partly set to English, but not enough to work. To correct this, click
on Tools, then Options, then Spelling, then the triangle to the right
of English, then some other language, then Apply, then the triangle
again, then English, then Apply again. If you want spelling checks for
all outgoing messages, and there is no checkmark in the box before
Always check spelling before sending, click on this box, then Apply.
Click on OK.

If you only want spelling checks for part of your outgoing messages,
start them as usual, but just before you send them, click the ABC


Windows Mail doesn't do any auto-corrections, but the newer Windows Live
Mail does some.

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