Spell correct double words- Boo Boo has a question.



I use Word 2003. When I look at the spelling in a document, double names
such as Boo Boo show with the repeated word underlined in red. I select
"ignore", but next time I open the document, the second parts of the names
are all underlined in red again. I use a lot of these double names, and it
would be nice to have spell-check recognise them. However putting Boo Boo
in as an autocorrect entry would presumably not work, since then I could not
use Boo as a single word. Any suggestions from the team? I asked my friend
Zsa Zsa from Woy Woy, but she was too busy cleaning up the doo doo from her
gee gee to be of any assistance.

Beth Melton

Use a nonbreaking space (Ctrl + Shift + Space) between the words. No
only will they not be considered spelling errors but this will also
prevent the words from splitting in word wrap. Since they are names
you typically want to keep them on the same line anyway.

You could even create AutoCorrect entries for these as well. Just type
the names in your document with a nonbreaking space, select the text
(don't include the paragraph mark in the selection) go to
Tools/AutoCorrect Options and in the Replace text box type the names
with a space.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

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