SP2 affects SendTo shortcut (repost)



After installing SP2, when I right click a filename, and select "Send To"...
the emails all
have the following footer...

The message is ready to be sent with the following file or link
(TheAttachedFileName here)
Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent
sending or receiving certain types of file attachments. Check your
security settings to determine how attachments are handled.

I'd like to get rid of this "footer". Where can I control this?

Tried Security Center, and Outlook Express options.

Thanks in advance,
Al Camp

Patti MacLeod

Hi AlCamp,

Have a look at the information provided in this MSKB article, "Link Sent by
E-mail Is Incomplete in Subject Line and Does Not Appear in Message Body":
The information that you are seeking is located beneath the Note under the
tables that display the file attributes for Windows XP and Windows XP 64-bit



Hi Patti,
Thanks a lot!
I would never have known what to look for when trying to solve this
problem... and I didn't think to just search on the inserted text itself.
Actually, there was no Reg entry for this, but I followed the
instructions, and everything was fine.

I still have this though...

"The message is ready to be sent with the following file or link

which SP2 decided I needed. (argghhh... don't get me started!).

I'll try the knowledge base to see if I can figure how to get rid of that
too. If I can't I'll post that later.
Anyhoo... thanks a lot for your assistance.

I do a bit of work in the Microsoft Access NGs... perhaps I can return
the favor some day.

Al Camp

Patti MacLeod

You're welcome!

I don't know offhand if and how you can get rid of the other message.

Although it's getting to be a necessary evil (I guess), I'm not all that
keen on SP2's "enhanced security" features, either.

If I find myself in need of any assistance with Access, I'll be sure to look
you up!! :)


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