How to REMOVE this stupid msg send sending a file via email



OK. Just installed the SP for XP, and now when I right click on a
file, SENT TO "email", the following stupid message is inserted into
my email.

How do we remove this stupid message that MS is now putting in the
email ? Once, I can see, but now every time? Come on, we're not

The message is ready to be sent with the following file or link
attachments: sa_map_milford.jpg Note: To protect against computer
viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain
types of file attachments. Check your e-mail security settings to
determine how attachments are handled.



Bob said:
How do we remove this stupid message that MS is now
putting in the
email ?

I asked the same question when I first installed SP2 ten
days or so ago and got no answer. My solution (if I bother
to do it) is type "control-A" to define all the text and
then hit "Delete", "Del", or the space bar.

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