Slow file browsing trough network



Hello. I've a problem with a directory on a Windows NT 4.0 Server Sp6a. In
the directory are about 46000 small files. When we opening the directory we
have to wait about 5 minutes to see any file. The problem is only at network
access on Windows NT 4.0 Workstation, Windows XP Pro and Windows 2000. At the
serverconsole we've no problem. The virusscan is disabled. But the same
problem. Can anyone help us. This server was in use by 33000 user.


I'm having a similar problem with one of my clients. I found an article
stating that Windows Explorer tries to obtain additional information from
NTFS shares. I'm hoping someone from Microsoft will reply with a message on
how to turn this off in Windows XP. My client has several computers running
Windows 98 SE and browsing the affected directory is fast on those, but slow


The cause of your problem has to do with the way that Windows NT/2000/XP
populates Windows Explorer when accessing a share on an NTFS volume.
on the server. The default value is somewhere around 4000. I increased it
to 65535 (the maximum value) and it fixed the problem; however, I only have
30 users accessing a directory with 8000 files and directories in it.
Because of the number of users you have accessing that server, you may want
to experiment with smaller values or add memory.

Walter Clayton

psst. That has nothing to do with NTFS. Same issues applies to FAT volumes
as well.

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