Silverlight bug


Peter Morris

I found a bug in Silverlight that makes the entire page become invisible,
the exact same code works perfectly in WPF. Can anyone tell me what to do
with the example project I created that demonstrates the bug? I wrote to
Jesse Liberty to ask him what to do with it but he doesn't seem to think my
query was worth replying to.


Peter Morris

Calling people out and taking a crack at them..isn't going to make anyone
more apt to answer your question,

I'd have thought that a 100% reproducible bug that makes the entire page
vanish would have been motivation enough for anyone interested in SL to tell
me how to report the bug. I wanted to mention that I had already asked
Jesse Liberty in case anyone suggested "Jesse Liberty would know" and yes, I
am annoyed that he didn't bother replying, I think it is quite rude.

"you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar ".

Here is the explanation:

I didn't need the lesson, but thanks.

You see? Now if I ever post a question, you'll be very unlikely to help

You are entirely incorrect.
01: If I see a question I can answer and have time to answer it I will.
02: I don't bother to look at who asked the question.
03: I am far too absent minded to recall such a minor incident.

The most important part of my post remains relevant though, how do I go
about reporting a critical bug?


Christopher Ireland

"you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar ".

Depends on the fly <g>.

Can't beat white vinegar for those small, annoying fruit flies <gg>.

Thank you,

Christopher Ireland

"The question of whether machines can think is about as relevant as the
question of whether submarines can swim."
Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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