account A disappears, allowing me to choose an independent sig for B or
*All 3 accounts* allow me to choose an individual signature for *new
What you are saying is correct for account A, because when I click New>Mail
message, that is what I get - a new mail in account A with sig A.
But what is the point of Outlook letting me choose a signature for NEW
messages for accounts B and C, when there is no way whatsoever to create
new message with acocunt B or C?
I hope that is clear now. Either I'm missing something and there is a way,
or it's an extremely misleading and pointless option. :-S
(Remove TEETH to reply by e-mail.)
It does not mean that Outlook can figure out in advance
which signature to place when you have multiple mail accounts but haven't
designated which one you are going to use. When you have designated the
account in advance of starting the new message window (as would be the
when you have only one account, or when you are replying to a message),
signature that is placed will be the correct one for the specified
Russ Valentine
Guys, in order to clarify what I mean, I have uploaded the Options
page I
referred to, to:
As you can now see, Outlook 2003 seems to allow what you are saying would
require clairvoyance, which leaves me as confused by your posts as you
by mine.
I have 3 e-mail accounts. The highlighted box shows one of them
For each account I can choose:
"Signature for new messages"
"Signature for replies and forwards"
Would you please explain to me why the "Signature for new messages"
exists, if it cannot be used?
Using Word as the e-mail editor makes no difference as these options are
greyed out when Wordmail is turned off. This means they should work when
Wordmail is not on.
The point is, they are there for a reason - I just can't get them to
(Remove TEETH to reply by e-mail.)
Me too neither.
Russ Valentine
"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]"
[email protected]>
wrote in message Ah, I see now - it was rather confusing. However, he can still select
signature once he selects the sending account using the Accounts
guess I am not understanding why actually having to *select* some
options/actions is such a hard thing to do.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my
account will be deleted without reading.
After searching and finding no answer, Russ
[MVP-Outlook] asked:
| As I read the post, I don't think that's the question. OP said he'd
| already created signatures associated with each account. His
| was how to get Outlook to assign the correct signature to a message
| before he designates which account he is using.
|| See my previous reply - use Word as the editor and you can
|| associate a signature with a mail account.
|| Post back if you have any problems *after* trying this method.
|| --
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
|| the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my
|| personal account will be deleted without reading.
|| After searching and finding no answer, H Gohel
|| asked:
||| Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote:
|||| Outlook is not clairvoyant. It does not know which account you
|||| intend to use to send your message when you open a new message
|||| window. Accordingly, it opens with your default sig. To change
|||| R click it and select another from the dropdown.
||| Well, it's not that outlandish a request. Some newsreaders are
||| good with this - you can easily associate a signature with a
||| particular group. It's not far fetched to have one signature
||| associated with each account...
||| If the three accounts are all separate then Outlook should easily
||| able to tell where the message is that is being replied to, and
||| choose the appropriate signature.
||| It may not be easy if mail from three POP accounts is being
||| downloaded to the local INBOX. Then ofcourse, Outlook cannot tell
||| which
||| signature should be used.
||| Opinions?