shifted cursor in Vista makes navigation difficult



Ok, here's a problem I haven't seen anyone ask about: when I bought a new
machine with Vista on it, I immediately noticed that I was having trouble
clicking exactly on the point I wanted. That is, the location where the
cursor is clicking on is not the point of the cursor arrow, and this is even
more noticeable when it's the pointer-hourglass combination -- the location
it's pointing to is somewhere in the center of the cursor graphic. This is
especially frustrating when I'm resizing windows or wanting to choose from
among objects that are close together.

I know I'm not hallucinating this, because my laptop still runs XP, and I
have no trouble using the cursor there. But this has been surprisingly
frustrating, and none of my attempts at using different cursor designs have
made a difference. Any suggestions, o wise ones?

Stuart Sabatini

This problem appeared on many Dell computers with ATI video cards. The
solution is new video drivers. On my computer the corrected drivers
appeared as a windows update.



That's exactly what the problem was, Stuart, and updating the driver fixed it
perfectly. Thanks so much!

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