From the Gmail "HELP" link by typing in the search "on behalf of" . . . . .
.. .
The last paragraph under the section titled "I'm a Gmail or Google Apps user
sending from an external address." reads as follows - read the last sentence
multiple times if needed

. . . . (Microsoft Outlook = Windows Mail in
your case):
"Your Gmail address will still be included in your email header's sender
field, to help prevent your mail from being marked as spam. Most email
clients don't display the sender field, though some versions of Microsoft
Outlook may display "From (e-mail address removed) on behalf of
(e-mail address removed)." For this reason, if you don't want 'on behalf
of' to appear in any of your messages, we recommend using the SMTP servers
of your other email provider."
That "we recommend using the SMTP server of your other email provider"
presents you with this alternate option . . . . . Your ISP is Cox
(apparently, based on what you said - you use Cox High Speed Internet -
right?) and I believe you are Cox "West" according to your post's headers.
I used this reference: then selected "Email"
in the "Learning Center" box, then selected "Windows Mail" in the "Select
Sub Topic" box, then selected the first "How to: Configure SMTP
Authentication in Windows Mail in Windows Vista". There's pictures there
that correlate to the following . . . . .
Go to Tools - Accounts - select the Company account - Properties. NOTE:
You will have to change all of the SMTP settings (NOT the POP / incoming
settings though). So you may want to copy all of that current setup down -
each tab, all fields, and checkboxes - maybe make screen prints - in case
you have to go back to it.
Now the changes . . . . On the Servers tab find "Outgoing mail server
(SMTP):" and enter,
At the bottom, CHECK "My server requires Authentication", and click the
"Settings..." button, and enter in "Logon Using" your COX email
[email protected] - or whatever it is) - DO NOT check the box for "Log on using
Secure Password Authentication (uncheck it if there's a check there from
your previous setup!). Click the "Apply" button on the bottom of that tab,
and go to the "Advanced tab". ~~~~~~~ On the Advanced tab - Server Port
Numbers - the "Outgoing mail (SMTP):" should be 465 and a CHECK should be
in "This server requires a secure connection (SSL)" box right below it.
Click the "Apply" and then the "Okay" buttons on the bottom of that tab.
Close out, test an email and let us know. Don't be surprised *** if *** you
get a logon prompt anyway when you send that email - my "special" account
gives me a logon. You will be logging into COX, so use that email and
password *** if *** you get a logon prompt (I don't use those "remember me"
options in the account setup- I think that's why I'm getting the logon
Good Luck !!