Sending Attachment >10MB HELP!!!

Jan 28, 2010
Reaction score
I am using Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 and encountering some issue as my email system has a maximum message limit of 10MB therefore I am looking for some suitable software or solution to enable users to send email with large attachment by breaking it into smaller junks and merging it by the recipient or even better can send it as a whole file without breaking it into smaller junks.

Anyone have any good suggestion or solution?


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
Hi Aspial, welcome to PC Review :)

Friends often send very large files using "Yousendit" which can handle up to 2GB file sizes (according to the website.) There is a Free version (for light use) as well as Subscription and also Pay-Per-Use. I'm sure you will soon see which one will suit your needs, if you take a look.

It is very easy for the recipient to retrieve the file too. No hassle, just a click to download the zipped file to their computer. :thumb:

Hope that will help :)


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
Hi aspial and welcome to PC Review! The 10MB limit is likely set by your e-mail server - so like you say the only way to send a large file would be in multiple e-mails.

You've got a few options here which should work:
edit: Beaten to it by TC ;)
Jan 28, 2010
Reaction score
Hi Taffycat ,

Ur suggestion is good, but it is for company use will it be safe and secure as sometime they maybe sending some confidential suff?

As for the free version u mention isit the 14 day free trial?

Taffycat said:
Hi Aspial, welcome to PC Review :)

Friends often send very large files using "Yousendit" which can handle up to 2GB file sizes (according to the website.) There is a Free version (for light use) as well as Subscription and also Pay-Per-Use. I'm sure you will soon see which one will suit your needs, if you take a look.

It is very easy for the recipient to retrieve the file too. No hassle, just a click to download the zipped file to their computer. :thumb:

Hope that will help :)


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
aspial said:
Hi Taffycat ,

Ur suggestion is good, but it is for company use will it be safe and secure as sometime they maybe sending some confidential suff?

As for the free version u mention isit the 14 day free trial?

It would probably be a good idea to read their Privacy Policy, which might help you decide whether it would be right for your Company. :nod:

The free version I mentioned is not a trial. If you look over on the right here the third option is:

Don't send files very often?

Our Lite account is perfect for the occasional sender.
Learn More »

My friends usually use this version. :thumb:
Feb 12, 2010
Reaction score
Email attachment management

Hi Aspial,

There are many hosted solutions that allow you to circumnavigate your email server attachment limits such as The alternative is to run a solution in house, there are pro's and con's to either way of working but the main benefit to you would be improved tracking and a much quicker process of sending files as they remain local to you.

Have a look at Biscom Delivery Server and Accellion as the two suppliers of these types of on-site solution.



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