Scripting Folder Auto-Archive Settings

Jun 13, 2008
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I am trying to script setting the autoarchive setting on specific folders. I have everything working except that new folders I create have no IPC.MS.Outlook.AgingProperties that I can modify. I have used OutlookSpy and under the Associated Contents these folders have nothing associated. If I go in and manually change the archive setting, then IPC.MS.Outlook.AgingProperties is created and I can modify it to turn autoarchiving on and off via a script. I am creating new folders under Outlook 2003 (server is Exchange 2003).

Why don't these new folders have an IPC.MS.Outlook.AgingProperties message associated with them? Is there a way to create this?

Also, is it normal for new folders that you create to have the auto-archive setting set to off instead of default?



I posted this originally as a reply to a previous thread, but thought I'd repost in my own thread hoping for more responses, thanks.

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