Restore crashed Movie File


Michael Klüber

I've recorded about 2 hours a movie by a digital cam with Microsoft Movie
Maker. When I finished the record Movie Maker starts to create a wmv movie.
While creating the movie the Movie Maker crashed. The size of the created
movie is 202 MB but not finished. With VLC-Player I can view the first part
of the movie but not all. At my hard disc I found two files "WMTF.tmp" and
"WMT10.tmp". My guess is that Movie Maker has cashed the record in this
file. Can I restore the movie with these two files?

Graham Hughes

YOu'd need to use a file restore programme, you can google for one to trial.

Michael Klüber

Yes. I dont't mean a file restore programm. I mean a programm that can
convert the two temp. files into a movie file. I've google a lot of websites
but i don't found a usefull tip. Does someone know a converter or had the
same trouble and can delineate your experience.

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