Repetitive Update Notices



I'm using Windows XP Home.
Every day I get a pop-up saying that new updates are now
available. Trouble is, it is always the same two
updates -- KB825119 and 811630 -- which I dutifully
install. The next day, when I boot up, it's the same
story all over again. This has been happening for weeks.
What is going on?


Been there, done that...
I had the same problem and I'm sure many others have,
too. It eventually synced up with the update notifier
service and went away. I don't have a fix for you, but
wanted give you some reassurance. Are the updates listed
in control panel under add/remove programs? If so, they
have been installed successfully.


Why not disable automatic updates? It slows your machine anyway and can
interfere with some applications you may have running.

You can do that by R-clicking My Computer and selecting properties. Under
the Automatic Update tab, uncheck the box. Make sure to manually check for
updates on a regular basis.


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