Renaming files on NTFS using DOS Boot




I did a very dumb thing today. I renamed the filed called lsass.exe to lsass.bak under windows xp safe mode on my laptop trying to get rid of that darned worm

The laptop runs on ntfs. Now everytime I reboot my laptop, the login screen that used to appear does not appear anymore. I used to login with a secondary account and not the administrator account (i dont even remember the admin password)

I tried EVERYTHING to access the drive and I could see the files and folders using ntfsdos and other such proggies but I cannot write into the ntfs partition to rename the file back to what it was

The only issue I am facing right now is HOW DO I RENAME THAT FILE BACK TO WHAT IT WAS? Since a dos boot disk for ntfs won't allow me to access the same

Any ideas ? please do help me as very important files are there in my laptop and I don't wish to erase it just for this worm

Thank you.


Hi Roger

Thanks for the info. But I already did that. It's just a reader

I repeat - I need a reader/writer for ntfs.. Some Dos utility that can just allow me to change the filename

Thanks - it's very urgent.


Hi Roger

Tried that too. It's damned expensive to rename just one file
However, I am posting what I did

My laptop runs on WinXP Home

I have WinXP Pro running in my office so I took that CD and loaded it as a dual boot on my laptop. Renamed the file that I wanted to ;) and voila ! it works

Thanks for the help though mate !

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