Removing Window Close Icon



We have an application that basically calls Word and waits for the user to
exit Word before saving the document to a database. I have no real idea how
this is achieved as I'm not involved in that aspect.

The problem is, if the user choses to close the window (the lower of the two
'x' on a maximised window) rather than close Word as a whole (the upper of
the two 'x' on the maximised window) the changes aren't recorded to the
database. I'm told that we can't get the application changed so we are stuck
with this problem - and have to train users to use the top 'x'. You can
imagine how successful we are with our 'training'.

I suggested that maybe we can tweak word to remove the close window 'x' icon
leaving only the close application 'x' icon. They looked at me like I had two
heads and suggested I emailed Bill Gates to ask for that feature to be put

I'd like to prove them all wrong... so is there some tweak, be is a registry
hack or whatever that can cause the close window icon to be removed or
disabled? Preferably just affecting Word and not the rest of the

Feel free to look at me like I have two heads if I'm talking nonsence.

Robert M. Franz (RMF)

Hi Adama

Adama wrote:
I suggested that maybe we can tweak word to remove the close window 'x' icon
leaving only the close application 'x' icon. They looked at me like I had two
heads and suggested I emailed Bill Gates to ask for that feature to be put

I'd like to prove them all wrong... so is there some tweak, be is a registry
hack or whatever that can cause the close window icon to be removed or
disabled? Preferably just affecting Word and not the rest of the

Feel free to look at me like I have two heads if I'm talking nonsence.


Not at all, I'd say. There surely is a way to trap the relevant event
(DocumentClose, I'd wager) by VBA. I'm not a developer, so if you can't
find your way with the following links, your best bet is to ask in one
of the .word.vba newsgroups:

Running a macro automatically when a document is created, opened or
closed (by Dave Rado)


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