remove IE6



I recently upgraded to win98 second edition,and also
upgraded to ie6 from 5.0.I now realise that ie6 might be
too graphicly oriented for my system.I have tried to
uninstall ie6 from add/remove programmes but i get a
dialog box that gives me two options,add new components to
ie or repair ie.The option to return back to the old
config is not accesable in that dialog box.Do i have to
uninstall my upgrade of win 98 first? or is there another
way of uninstalling ie6.Any help on this matter would be
greatly appreciated.
Thanke to all

PA Bear

You apparently refused the option to save your previous configuration when
you upgraded to IE6, Wayne.

See either of these KB articles:

How to Uninstall Internet Explorer 6;EN-US;q293907

How to Remove Internet Explorer 6 or Outlook Explorer 6 by Reinstalling

Have you visited Windows Update since installing IE6-SP1, Wayne?
HTH...Please post back to this thread

~Robear Dyer (aka PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE)

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP

wayne said:
I recently upgraded to win98 second edition,and also
upgraded to ie6 from 5.0.I now realise that ie6 might be
too graphicly oriented for my system.I have tried to
uninstall ie6 from add/remove programmes but i get a
dialog box that gives me two options,add new components to
ie or repair ie.The option to return back to the old
config is not accesable in that dialog box.Do i have to
uninstall my upgrade of win 98 first? or is there another
way of uninstalling ie6.Any help on this matter would be
greatly appreciated.
Thanke to all

IE6 runs fine on Win98SE, I ran it for years until my Win98 machine broke.
I ordered new parts and when it's fixed I'll put Win98SE back and upgrade to
IE6 SP1.

Can you describe you problems more completely?
How much RAM do you have?
How much video memory.
Have you ever upgraded your video drivers?


-----Original Message-----

IE6 runs fine on Win98SE, I ran it for years until my Win98 machine broke.
I ordered new parts and when it's fixed I'll put Win98SE back and upgrade to
IE6 SP1.

Can you describe you problems more completely?
How much RAM do you have?
How much video memory.
Have you ever upgraded your video drivers?

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup. Do not send email

.Hi frank,Here is the problem,after i installed ie6 i
completely removed my ie5 because i thought that i had
become infected with one of those viruses that has been
plagueing the internet.I then updated my operating system
with win98 second edition.My reason for performing those
two tasks were that my ie5 started acting really strange
and running at a snails pace.So as it stands i completly
removed all files assoiated with ie5.After updating win 98
system started faster and opened programs alot faster,
however ie6 opens slower even after the win 98 update.I
think the 98 update must have added some updated drivers
judgeing by the start up speed only.Well here is the info
on my system,its 32ram in a older pentium pc.As for video
memory and driver upgrades i am not that versed in
providing that info.
PS.Thanks for the info on the ie5
downloads.I got the set up files now its just about
uninstall ie6 and reinstlling ie5 if that is possible.
Thanks Again


-----Original Message-----
You apparently refused the option to save your previous configuration when
you upgraded to IE6, Wayne.

See either of these KB articles:

How to Uninstall Internet Explorer 6;EN- US;q293907

How to Remove Internet Explorer 6 or Outlook Explorer 6 by Reinstalling

Have you visited Windows Update since installing IE6-SP1, Wayne?
HTH...Please post back to this thread

~Robear Dyer (aka PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE)

.Hi pa Bear,I dont recall being asked to save privious
config,maybe i did but did not fully understang the
prompt.I have not visited win update since the install.Is
there some info that could be helpful to me?Thanks fo the
support links.
Thanks as Always

PA Bear

IE Help>About> Do you have version 6.0.2800.1106?

OE Help>About> 6.00.2800.1123?

Where did you get "IE6"?

Currently you have the latest Cumulative Patch for IE, Q822925 and a raft of
very important critical security patches, Wayne. Before going to Windows
Update, disable your anti-virus application and close all running processes
save one (1) IE window.
HTH...Please post back to this thread

~Robear Dyer (aka PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE)

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP

wayne said:
completely removed my ie5 because i thought that i had
become infected with one of those viruses that has been
plagueing the internet.I then updated my operating system
with win98 second edition.My reason for performing those
two tasks were that my ie5 started acting really strange
and running at a snails pace.So as it stands i completly
removed all files assoiated with ie5.After updating win 98
system started faster and opened programs alot faster,
however ie6 opens slower even after the win 98 update.I
think the 98 update must have added some updated drivers
judgeing by the start up speed only.Well here is the info
on my system,its 32ram in a older pentium pc.As for video
memory and driver upgrades i am not that versed in
providing that info.
PS.Thanks for the info on the ie5
downloads.I got the set up files now its just about
uninstall ie6 and reinstlling ie5 if that is possible.
Thanks Again

From what you describe you probably can't uninstall IE6 without formatting
the hard drive and re-installing Windows.

First, try method 2 in this article. It works on Win98.

How to Reinstall or Repair Internet Explorer and Outlook Express in Windows

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