Remove Group Box border lines (without using macro)?



Is there a non-macro solution to removing the Group Box border lines?
If not, a macro solution would also be appreciated, but as it is going
into a multi-user form, I don't want to scare the users with macro
warnings. ;)

Thank you!

Dave Peterson

I don't think you can do this except via a macro. But you could run the macro
to hide those borders and release the workbook with no macros.

In fact, you don't even need a macro--just just need the code.

Hit alt-f11 to get to the VBE
hit ctrl-G to see the immediate window

type this in and hit enter:

activesheet.groupboxes.visible = false

This hides all the groupboxes on the activesheet.

You could wrap it in a macro in a different workbook so that you could use it on
demand and not have the workbook so scary!

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