two flavors of formatting patterns (border/area vs. line/marker)



I am creating radar chart comparing my new chart with existing chart
(two different excel files on same computer).

On the old chart legend keys displayed as little squares, on the new -
as lines.

When I bring up Format legend Key dialog on the _OLD_ chart, on the
Tab Patterns I see two groups: Border and Area. The Sample shows a
rectangle with colored border.

When I bring up Format legend Key dialog on the _NEW_ chart, on the
Tab Patterns I see another two groups: Line and Marker. The Sample
shows a simply a colored line.

Same difference I see in Patterns Tab for Format Data Series dialog

How can I control which Patterns formatting options are presented to
me? I want to able to set legend Keys as squares, not as lines and I
want to use Fill Effects on data series to make the radar chart more
visually appealing, but current formatting options do not show me
Border/Area groups...

any ideas will be appreciated

Earl Kiosterud


Is it possible that you're doing Format Legend instead of Format Legend Key? Try doing it
this way. Select one of the series (click it), then do Format Data Series. Use the
Patterns tab, and select the marker style there.

Regards from Virginia Beach,

Earl Kiosterud

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Some folks prefer bottom-posting.
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When in Rome...


thanks for replying

no, I am doing Format Legend Key - I can email snapshots (did not know
how to post images in groups)

when I do Format Data Series I have same flavor of the Patterns: line/
marker while I need border/area...


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