Rocky Rapson
I have a Win2K server, with TS in remote admin mode. I
use WinXP Pro Remote Desktop to access the server to
monitor a program running on the server.
This application uses Pervasive.SQL 2000i DBMS. I
connect to the TS as a member of the Domain Admins group
which has full permissions on that server. When I login
to the console, the DBMS Monitor program lets me view
current users, resources in use, etc. When I use TS to
connect, I get an error that says I have "insufficient
rights to get or set information."
If I run the program (Monitor) as a different user (i.e.,
local administrator) it works under TS.
Is there any way I can run the app as my domain admin
account or is this a limitation on terminal server in
Remote Admin mode?
use WinXP Pro Remote Desktop to access the server to
monitor a program running on the server.
This application uses Pervasive.SQL 2000i DBMS. I
connect to the TS as a member of the Domain Admins group
which has full permissions on that server. When I login
to the console, the DBMS Monitor program lets me view
current users, resources in use, etc. When I use TS to
connect, I get an error that says I have "insufficient
rights to get or set information."
If I run the program (Monitor) as a different user (i.e.,
local administrator) it works under TS.
Is there any way I can run the app as my domain admin
account or is this a limitation on terminal server in
Remote Admin mode?