Remembering Window Sizes ???



I have WXP PRO SP2. I am getting tired of always having to maximize a
window upon clicking a desktop icon. No matter how I increase the
window's size, next time around the window is small again.

How can I get XP to remember my settings?



Yves Alarie

For XP to remember the "view" settings of each folder.

Open the folder and set the view you want.

Click on Tools on the top bar.

A window will open.

Click on the View tab.

Scroll down the list and check the box "Remember each folder settings" and
click OK.

This will work fine, but not for more than 400 folders. Probably not enough
for you.

To increase this from 400 to, say, 10,000, you need to edit the registry. As
you know editing the registry is always a tricky thing if you are not in
this game. But there is an easy and safe way to edit the registry, at least
for some minor things like changing 400 to 10,000 or some other minor

Download TweakUI from this site:

Save the file in one of your folder. After saving it, open the folder and
double click on it to install it.

Then, click on Start, All programs. Look at the list. You will now find
Power Toys for Windows. Click on it and click on TweakUI for Windows XP on
the opening list.

A window will open.

In this window, you will see Explorer with a + sign at the left of it. Click
on the + sign to expand the list and you will see Customization. Click on
it. You will see the default, 400. Just change this to 10,000. Don't worry
about "saving storage space message the default is 400". With a recent XP
computer there is no need to worry about storage space for this item.

Bob I

Stop "Maximizing" it. Stretch/drag it to the desired size and close it,
it will open at that size the next time.

Joe Wright

Jethro said:
I have WXP PRO SP2. I am getting tired of always having to maximize a
window upon clicking a desktop icon. No matter how I increase the
window's size, next time around the window is small again.

How can I get XP to remember my settings?



This won't work with the IE icon, or html shortcuts but should with any
other program shortcut. Open the properties of the shortcut, change to
Run: "Maximized".

One thing you can do for IE windows:

Close all but one window, stretch the window to the preferred size,
close the window. Windows will occasionally remember the new size for


Stop "Maximizing" it. Stretch/drag it to the desired size and close it,
it will open at that size the next time.

Been there - done that. Doesn't work for me.



This won't work with the IE icon, or html shortcuts but should with any
other program shortcut. Open the properties of the shortcut, change to
Run: "Maximized".

How do I do same for desktop folders?


Joe Wright

Jethro said:
How do I do same for desktop folders?


I stretched a desktop folder to fill the screen and pressed the Ctrl key
as I closed it. Upon reopening it, it filled the screen. You might try

Keith Miller MVP

Jethro said:
How do I do same for desktop folders?

Assuming you have checked 'Remember each folder's view settings' (found on the 'View' tab of the
'Folder Options' dialog.

If your desktop folders aren't remembering view settings, the most likely cause is that you've
reached your limit for saved views and the settings for these folders are being deleted to make room
for new ones.

If the value named 'BagMRU Size' in not found in the registry under:


Explorer defaults to remembering views for 400 folders.

SP2 sets 'BagMRU Size' at 5000. The maximum allowed is 8000.

If you don't mind losing your saved views for all folders, use Kelly's reg file to set the view
limit at it's maximum and clear the current settings, giving you a fresh start.

Line 2: Increase Folder View Size Limit to 8000

If you want to check the current limit, number of index entries & number of saved views, copy the
text below and save as a .vbs file, then run the script.

Const conBagMRUSize = _
"HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\BagMRU Size"
Const conBagMRUNodeSlots = _
Const HKCU = &H80000001
Const conBagsPath = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\Bags"

dim oWshShell, oRegistry, iLimit, iMRUEntries, arrSubKeys, iBagCount

'Assign objects
Set oWshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

s1 = "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}"
s2 = "!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv"
Set oRegistry = GetObject(s1 & s2)

On Error Resume Next
iLimit = oWshShell.RegRead(conBagMRUSize)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then iLimit = 400
On Error Goto 0

iMRUEntries = UBound(oWshShell.RegRead(conBagMRUNodeSlots)) + 1

oRegistry.EnumKey HKCU, conBagsPath, arrSubKeys
iBagCount = UBound(arrSubKeys) + 1

sMsg = "Max Views = " & iLimit & vbcrlf & _
"Index Entry Count = " & iMRUEntries & vbcrlf & _
"Saved View Count = " & iBagCount
Msgbox sMsg


Jethro said:
How do I do same for desktop folders?

Assuming you have checked 'Remember each folder's view settings' (found on the 'View' tab of the
'Folder Options' dialog.

If your desktop folders aren't remembering view settings, the most likely cause is that you've
reached your limit for saved views and the settings for these folders are being deleted to make room
for new ones.

If the value named 'BagMRU Size' in not found in the registry under:


Explorer defaults to remembering views for 400 folders.

SP2 sets 'BagMRU Size' at 5000. The maximum allowed is 8000.

If you don't mind losing your saved views for all folders, use Kelly's reg file to set the view
limit at it's maximum and clear the current settings, giving you a fresh start.

Line 2: Increase Folder View Size Limit to 8000

If you want to check the current limit, number of index entries & number of saved views, copy the
text below and save as a .vbs file, then run the script.

Const conBagMRUSize = _
"HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\BagMRU Size"
Const conBagMRUNodeSlots = _
Const HKCU = &H80000001
Const conBagsPath = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\Bags"

dim oWshShell, oRegistry, iLimit, iMRUEntries, arrSubKeys, iBagCount

'Assign objects
Set oWshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

s1 = "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}"
s2 = "!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv"
Set oRegistry = GetObject(s1 & s2)

On Error Resume Next
iLimit = oWshShell.RegRead(conBagMRUSize)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then iLimit = 400
On Error Goto 0

iMRUEntries = UBound(oWshShell.RegRead(conBagMRUNodeSlots)) + 1

oRegistry.EnumKey HKCU, conBagsPath, arrSubKeys
iBagCount = UBound(arrSubKeys) + 1

sMsg = "Max Views = " & iLimit & vbcrlf & _
"Index Entry Count = " & iMRUEntries & vbcrlf & _
"Saved View Count = " & iBagCount
Msgbox sMsg

I tried the script. It error'ed off , saying char 16 in line 1 was
'invalid character', and 'code' = '800A0408'



Jethro said:
How do I do same for desktop folders?

Assuming you have checked 'Remember each folder's view settings' (found on the 'View' tab of the
'Folder Options' dialog.

If your desktop folders aren't remembering view settings, the most likely cause is that you've
reached your limit for saved views and the settings for these folders are being deleted to make room
for new ones.

If the value named 'BagMRU Size' in not found in the registry under:


Explorer defaults to remembering views for 400 folders.

SP2 sets 'BagMRU Size' at 5000. The maximum allowed is 8000.

I changed the registry size to 6000, and my problem is solved (at
least for now).



I stretched a desktop folder to fill the screen and pressed the Ctrl key
as I closed it. Upon reopening it, it filled the screen. You might try

Been there tried that. The registry change I just posted fixed things
I think.


Keith Miller MVP

I tried the script. It error'ed off , saying char 16 in line 1 was
'invalid character', and 'code' = '800A0408'

That would be the 'S' from 'BagMRUSize' !?!?

I just tried copying & pasting it into a text file & it worked fine for me...

Don't know.

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