Registry Problem - Printer Associated


Denis Mahoney

I have recently updated my driver for a Lexmark printer. I uninstalled the
original but it was unable to uninstall the "Supply Monitor" file. Now when
I reboot I get an error message "Can't load LXSUPMON.DLL"
Printer works fine throughout.
There are three files when I "right click" start and move to the system 32
files 'dll's that seem to impact this problem.
LXSMUNIN - file has a red "X" over it
LXSUPMON - is the DLL file that cannot load
LXSUPMON - this is an icon sitting next to the one above and when I try to
open it I get this message - "The C:\WINDOWS\system32\....HLP help file was
created for a language not supported by your version of Windows"
I have never gotten involved in registry issues due to unknown territory.

Question -
If I simply "DELETE" these files from the system32/ menu, am I going to mess
things up or create a nightmare for myself or will it remedy the problem.

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Denis,

Start/run the following:

regsvr32 /u lxsmunin.dll
regsvr32 /u lxsupmon.dll

Then start/run regedit and look in these keys for the startup reference:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSConfig\startupreg

Click on any string that contains it, and export a copy. Then delete it.
When completed, open Windows Explorer and search for and delete any copies
of the files in these folders:

C:\Windows\system32\dllcache (do this one first)

Now, start/run msconfig and go to the services tab, check the box to hide MS
services and see if one of the remaining ones loads the supply monitor.
Uncheck it, then click apply/ok and reboot.

See if your new printer works ok and if the message is gone. If so, then you
can delete the exported references from the registry. If not, then one or
more of the steps we used disabled a part of the new setup and you will need
to reverse them one at a time.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -

Denis Mahoney

Hi Rick,

Thank you so much. It worked like a charm! I guess now I can start asking
the other questions about kazillion annoyances, Have a great day


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