Register XP



Have just set up XP on a Compaq LapTop. During set up I elected not to
register at that time as my ADSL line was not set up.
Now I cannot work out how to register. The online help tells me to click a
register icon in the task bar but there is no such icon there!
How can I register?


Unless you have a personal reason to register your Windows XP install, it
is not necessary, ;....'Activation' is, ...registering is not. Go to Start
menu, Accessories, System Tools to 'activate' XP..


Sandman said:
Unless you have a personal reason to register your Windows XP
install, it
is not necessary, ;....'Activation' is, ...registering is not. Go to
Start menu, Accessories, System Tools to 'activate' XP..

Since the OP has a Compaq, his XP is already activated. As you have
said, registration is unnecessary.




I have the same situation however I need to activate Windows ... when I went
to the system tools folder there was no activation icon. What do I do now?

Bruce Chambers

Scott said:

I have the same situation however I need to activate Windows ... when I went
to the system tools folder there was no activation icon. What do I do now?

Start > Run > "C:\Windows\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /A."


Bruce Chambers

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