Recommendation for Vista network backups



Lang said:

I went off and read the WHS forums this morning and since RC is
enforcing HW reqs now, I know I have to use the desktop. I'm clearing
off a 160GB drive as I type and will drop that in my GX240 and have at
it this weekend.

The GX240 is connected to an 8 port KVM... so I'll have access to it
from that. No doubt I'll mess around with the console. Until I see it, I
guess I won't know which method is the preferred method (for me)
although I'm assuming the purpose of the console is to keep the
inquisitive from bringing their server down. ;-)

If the GX240 presents problems, due to HW issues, like I have a USB 2.0
card installed, then I'll try a GX620, which, I should think, is new
enough to meet all reqs.

Should be an interesting weekend! LOL!

Let us know....


* Lang Murphy:

I went off and read the WHS forums this morning and since RC is enforcing HW
reqs now, I know I have to use the desktop. I'm clearing off a 160GB drive
as I type and will drop that in my GX240 and have at it this weekend.

The GX240 is connected to an 8 port KVM... so I'll have access to it from
that. No doubt I'll mess around with the console. Until I see it, I guess I
won't know which method is the preferred method (for me) although I'm
assuming the purpose of the console is to keep the inquisitive from bringing
their server down. ;-)

If the GX240 presents problems, due to HW issues, like I have a USB 2.0 card
installed, then I'll try a GX620, which, I should think, is new enough to
meet all reqs.

Should be an interesting weekend! LOL!

Let me/us know how it goes. This may not
be the proper forum but several of us here
are using WHS, so you can also post questions
to this thread, and Frank, myself, or someone
might be able to help. If some of the anal types
don't like it, let 'em get over it. ;-)

I'm not an expert by any means, but if I can help,
my email in my headers is valid for now.... I usually
change one of the characters in the email address
every few months, I only use it for newsgroups.

Have fun playing, testing, and tweaking!


Lang Murphy

* Lang Murphy:

Let me/us know how it goes. This may not
be the proper forum but several of us here
are using WHS, so you can also post questions
to this thread, and Frank, myself, or someone
might be able to help. If some of the anal types
don't like it, let 'em get over it. ;-)

I'm not an expert by any means, but if I can help,
my email in my headers is valid for now.... I usually
change one of the characters in the email address
every few months, I only use it for newsgroups.

Have fun playing, testing, and tweaking!



Us talking about WHS won't be any worse than the wildly off-topic stuff
posted by enthusiasts of other OS's who frequent this NG.

I appreciate the offer to assist. I will avail myself of your offer, no

I hope to dig into WHS tomorrow.



Lang Murphy

Frank said:
Let us know....


Installed WHS today on a Dell GX620. The install went well... had to install
drivers for the NIC, video, audio, and chipset, but once that was done...
the thing's up and running like a champ. I have one Vista client set up and
will start playing around with it.



Lang Murphy

* Lang Murphy:

Let me/us know how it goes. This may not
be the proper forum but several of us here
are using WHS, so you can also post questions
to this thread, and Frank, myself, or someone
might be able to help. If some of the anal types
don't like it, let 'em get over it. ;-)

I'm not an expert by any means, but if I can help,
my email in my headers is valid for now.... I usually
change one of the characters in the email address
every few months, I only use it for newsgroups.

Have fun playing, testing, and tweaking!



As I told Frank up the thread, installed WHS on a Dell GX620 today. After
installing some missing drivers, the server's up and running like a champ. I
have the client installed on one Vista seat and will commence "playing".
Thanks for the supporting words.



* Lang Murphy:

As I told Frank up the thread, installed WHS on a Dell GX620 today. After
installing some missing drivers, the server's up and running like a champ. I
have the client installed on one Vista seat and will commence "playing".
Thanks for the supporting words.

Good Morning, Lang.

Hope your "playing" is going well.

I think you'll find that WHS just works and
works well. Once you get it setup, it does
what it's supposed to do. Sure, it's great having
a central location for files that can be accessed
easily, locally or remotely. But the nicest thing
IMO, is how easy it makes baking up all computers
on the network, and how easy it is to access those
backed up files. Yes, these things can be done now using a
variety of methods. But, WHS makes these things simple.
Even though I have redundant backup plans in place for all
my machines, I like the way WHS has implemented their backup
feature. The other cool feature is how WHS handles storage
and the simplicity when adding/subtracting an internal or external drive.

The other "bonus", if you aren't running WHS "headless", and use it
from time to time for other things- it is a solidly fantastic desktop OS.

I'll leave you with a quote from the ever excitable Paul Thurrott when
he was discussing the prior CTP beta release.... and I agree with him.

Keep me posted or email me.


I remain excited about WHS and while one might easily come up with a number of features they'd
like to see added to the product--a server-based version of Media Center comes to mind--know
this: This is the initial version of WHS, Microsoft plans to keep improving it over time, and
they're listening to your suggestions and ideas. As with the first version of Media Center, the
technology is in a nascent stage but is already quite compelling. If this first version of WHS
is so good, I can only imagine what the future holds.
--Paul Thurrott

Lang Murphy

* Lang Murphy:

Good Morning, Lang.

Hope your "playing" is going well.

I think you'll find that WHS just works and
works well. Once you get it setup, it does
what it's supposed to do. Sure, it's great having
a central location for files that can be accessed
easily, locally or remotely. But the nicest thing
IMO, is how easy it makes baking up all computers
on the network, and how easy it is to access those
backed up files. Yes, these things can be done now using a
variety of methods. But, WHS makes these things simple.
Even though I have redundant backup plans in place for all
my machines, I like the way WHS has implemented their backup
feature. The other cool feature is how WHS handles storage
and the simplicity when adding/subtracting an internal or external drive.

The other "bonus", if you aren't running WHS "headless", and use it
from time to time for other things- it is a solidly fantastic desktop OS.

I'll leave you with a quote from the ever excitable Paul Thurrott when
he was discussing the prior CTP beta release.... and I agree with him.

Keep me posted or email me.


I remain excited about WHS and while one might easily come up with a
number of features they'd
like to see added to the product--a server-based version of Media Center
comes to mind--know
this: This is the initial version of WHS, Microsoft plans to keep
improving it over time, and
they're listening to your suggestions and ideas. As with the first version
of Media Center, the
technology is in a nascent stage but is already quite compelling. If this
first version of WHS
is so good, I can only imagine what the future holds.
--Paul Thurrott


I'm in the process of cleaning up the files on my two home PC's for use with
WHS. I want to put my multimedia stuff on the server. And, yeah, I'll back
it up to DVD's "just in case."

I like the automatic backup; very cool. I like the client connector software
too... I attached a USB drive to a PC that had already been setup for backup
and the connector software popped a balloon saying something to the effect
of "hey, you attached a new drive to this computer... config backup if you
want it backed up." Even cooler, I think, was when I went to another client
seat, it had the same msg.

The ability to attach various types of drives and add them to the "pool" was
one of the first things that caught my attention when reading about WHS. I'm
cleaning up a 250GB USB drive so that I may attach it to the WHS box's
"pool." Very cool. I don't have the HD resources to enable duplication, but,
wow, that's very cool too...

I know all of this stuff can be done with just about any other server (or
even workstation) OS. But WHS makes it so easy... and that's the point, no?
Speaking -only- for myself.... I work in IT. I love doing what I do, but
when it comes to my personal computers... geez... I just want "simple." I
hate having to dick around with my home PC's. I'll do it all day long
regarding work, without an issue; -that's- fun. (Maybe because I get -paid-
to do it...) Maintaining my home PC's is -not- fun. (Maybe because I -don't-
get paid to do it...LOL!)

I haven't played around with using WHS as a workstation seat. Don't know
that I will. At least for the duration of the RC phase. I have to wonder
though... even though WSH throws that warning page when you log on locally,
the page that says one could very possibly "screw the pooch" ("The Right
Stuff" term for blowing it) if one starts messing about with settings
outside of the console, ahhhhhh... I can only imagine that there are going
to be too many folks who dig just a little too deep and find themselves SOL.
I suppose there's no way around that, though. I havent' "dug too deep"
yet... but I doubt there are any new dlg boxes that pop up and say "Are you
absolutely sure you want to enter a static IP for your server?" Not that Joe
Blow would do that... maybe a bad example... but, as they've said for
centuries, curiosity killed the cat. Or... "What did the redneck say right
before he died? 'Hey, y'all, WATCH THIS!'" It's kind of like some of the
stuff we see in here... "I deleted <insert file name here> and now my
computer won't boot/print/share/whatever." Uh, OK... next time, don't delete
files that you know nothing about. I can't help but think WHS is going to
run into a lot of that... especially with the folks that install it
themselves as opposed to buying an appliance from HP or whoever. (Because
they're going to be the most likely "curious" candidates.) I guess only time
will tell on that call...

All that said, man, I'm -thrilled- by WHS. A true server aimed at the home
market. That's almost an oxymoron. But WHS proves otherwise, methinks.




Lang said:

I'm in the process of cleaning up the files on my two home PC's for use
with WHS. I want to put my multimedia stuff on the server. And, yeah,
I'll back it up to DVD's "just in case."

I like the automatic backup; very cool. I like the client connector
software too... I attached a USB drive to a PC that had already been
setup for backup and the connector software popped a balloon saying
something to the effect of "hey, you attached a new drive to this
computer... config backup if you want it backed up." Even cooler, I
think, was when I went to another client seat, it had the same msg.

The ability to attach various types of drives and add them to the "pool"
was one of the first things that caught my attention when reading about
WHS. I'm cleaning up a 250GB USB drive so that I may attach it to the
WHS box's "pool." Very cool. I don't have the HD resources to enable
duplication, but, wow, that's very cool too...

I know all of this stuff can be done with just about any other server
(or even workstation) OS. But WHS makes it so easy... and that's the
point, no? Speaking -only- for myself.... I work in IT. I love doing
what I do, but when it comes to my personal computers... geez... I just
want "simple." I hate having to dick around with my home PC's. I'll do
it all day long regarding work, without an issue; -that's- fun. (Maybe
because I get -paid- to do it...) Maintaining my home PC's is -not- fun.
(Maybe because I -don't- get paid to do it...LOL!)

I haven't played around with using WHS as a workstation seat. Don't know
that I will. At least for the duration of the RC phase. I have to wonder
though... even though WSH throws that warning page when you log on
locally, the page that says one could very possibly "screw the pooch"
("The Right Stuff" term for blowing it) if one starts messing about with
settings outside of the console, ahhhhhh... I can only imagine that
there are going to be too many folks who dig just a little too deep and
find themselves SOL. I suppose there's no way around that, though. I
havent' "dug too deep" yet... but I doubt there are any new dlg boxes
that pop up and say "Are you absolutely sure you want to enter a static
IP for your server?" Not that Joe Blow would do that... maybe a bad
example... but, as they've said for centuries, curiosity killed the cat.
Or... "What did the redneck say right before he died? 'Hey, y'all, WATCH
THIS!'" It's kind of like some of the stuff we see in here... "I deleted
<insert file name here> and now my computer won't
boot/print/share/whatever." Uh, OK... next time, don't delete files that
you know nothing about. I can't help but think WHS is going to run into
a lot of that... especially with the folks that install it themselves as
opposed to buying an appliance from HP or whoever. (Because they're
going to be the most likely "curious" candidates.) I guess only time
will tell on that call...

All that said, man, I'm -thrilled- by WHS. A true server aimed at the
home market. That's almost an oxymoron. But WHS proves otherwise, methinks.


Just following your post Lang and agree with all you're said. WHS is
super although many of us with small businesses like me with 10 or under
employees are finding it's great for our use also. In fact we dumped
Server 2003 and switched WHS at the office. I do agree, WHS is almost an
Although I did take it home (only three boxes there).
Keep us posted.

Lang Murphy

Frank said:
Just following your post Lang and agree with all you're said. WHS is super
although many of us with small businesses like me with 10 or under
employees are finding it's great for our use also. In fact we dumped
Server 2003 and switched WHS at the office. I do agree, WHS is almost an
Although I did take it home (only three boxes there).
Keep us posted.


That reminds me of when I go to Home Depot to find a solution for some
problem I'm having at home. Many times, the solution I find is not
specifically designed for how I intend to use it and, still, it works for
me. If WHS gets the job done for you at your business, then why -not- use
it? Even if your business is IT, who wants to spend time supporting their
own infrastructure? Less time to spend with the clients. I mean, yes, it's a
necessary evil, but if you can get the job done easier, why not?

I did have a problem yesterday with WHS. For some reason the backup service
stopped working. I couldn't even start it... I'd hit Start and it would stop
immediately. I think it may have had something to do with me trying to add
the 250GB USB drive, which failed with a msg something like "couldn't add
drive to pool" or whatever. So... I re-installed WHS but through the OS gui,
kicking off the install from the DVD. It reinstalled, didn't mess with the
data already there and has been working fine today. We'll see what happens
when automatic backups occur this morning.

The only "bad" thing about WHS, as far as I'm concerned, is I have to go out
and buy another USB drive to add to the pool. I just don't have enough HD
space right now. I don't think that's a show stopper though... I'd have to
get another drive soon anyway. Thank heavens HD's are so relatively cheap
these days. I'll probably get a 320GB drive since those can be found for
less than $100 right now.




* Lang Murphy:

I'm in the process of cleaning up the files on my two home PC's for use with
WHS. I want to put my multimedia stuff on the server. And, yeah, I'll back
it up to DVD's "just in case."

I like the automatic backup; very cool. I like the client connector software
too... I attached a USB drive to a PC that had already been setup for backup
and the connector software popped a balloon saying something to the effect
of "hey, you attached a new drive to this computer... config backup if you
want it backed up." Even cooler, I think, was when I went to another client
seat, it had the same msg.

The ability to attach various types of drives and add them to the "pool" was
one of the first things that caught my attention when reading about WHS. I'm
cleaning up a 250GB USB drive so that I may attach it to the WHS box's
"pool." Very cool. I don't have the HD resources to enable duplication, but,
wow, that's very cool too...

I know all of this stuff can be done with just about any other server (or
even workstation) OS. But WHS makes it so easy... and that's the point, no?
Speaking -only- for myself.... I work in IT. I love doing what I do, but
when it comes to my personal computers... geez... I just want "simple." I
hate having to dick around with my home PC's. I'll do it all day long
regarding work, without an issue; -that's- fun. (Maybe because I get -paid-
to do it...) Maintaining my home PC's is -not- fun. (Maybe because I -don't-
get paid to do it...LOL!)

I haven't played around with using WHS as a workstation seat. Don't know
that I will. At least for the duration of the RC phase. I have to wonder
though... even though WSH throws that warning page when you log on locally,
the page that says one could very possibly "screw the pooch" ("The Right
Stuff" term for blowing it) if one starts messing about with settings
outside of the console, ahhhhhh... I can only imagine that there are going
to be too many folks who dig just a little too deep and find themselves SOL.
I suppose there's no way around that, though. I havent' "dug too deep"
yet... but I doubt there are any new dlg boxes that pop up and say "Are you
absolutely sure you want to enter a static IP for your server?" Not that Joe
Blow would do that... maybe a bad example... but, as they've said for
centuries, curiosity killed the cat. Or... "What did the redneck say right
before he died? 'Hey, y'all, WATCH THIS!'" It's kind of like some of the
stuff we see in here... "I deleted <insert file name here> and now my
computer won't boot/print/share/whatever." Uh, OK... next time, don't delete
files that you know nothing about. I can't help but think WHS is going to
run into a lot of that... especially with the folks that install it
themselves as opposed to buying an appliance from HP or whoever. (Because
they're going to be the most likely "curious" candidates.) I guess only time
will tell on that call...

All that said, man, I'm -thrilled- by WHS. A true server aimed at the home
market. That's almost an oxymoron. But WHS proves otherwise, methinks.


Your observations are right on the money. Even us experienced users can
appreciate pure simplicity..... and that's what WHS does so well. I love tweaking
testing and playing with my machines. But, there are times when I just want
something to work, without having to jump through all sorts of hoops. This is
especially true for something like a Server.... serve my files, do it efficiently and
backup my computers- just do it. WHS server does that, and then some.

I reckon for most users, it would be best to just leave WHS alone and not mess
with the settings. However, I just can't help myself. ;-) I did tweak it a bit to make
it more suitable for using as a workstation, too. I don't actually use it that often as
a workstation, but this particular machine is situated right next to the kitchen, and
if I'm cooking something that takes awhile, it's nice to be able to have a computer
handy if I am working on something. I haven't experienced any problems using
WHS as a workstation. But, I am careful about what I changed.

I saw your reply to Frank and you mentioned backup failure, I've only had that
happen once- rebooting the server and the machine the backup failed, fixed
that for me.

Gotta run. Have a great day, Lang.

Take care,


Lang Murphy

I saw your reply to Frank and you mentioned backup failure, I've only had
happen once- rebooting the server and the machine the backup failed, fixed
that for me.

Gotta run. Have a great day, Lang.

Take care,



Since I rebuilt the server using the update feature, which worked great,
btw, I haven't had any backup issues. Just added another 160GB drive, so now
I've got 650GB available for storage. Should be enough to hold me for a bit.
I will keep in mind your suggestion should I run into any more backup




Lang said:

Since I rebuilt the server using the update feature, which worked great,
btw, I haven't had any backup issues. Just added another 160GB drive, so
now I've got 650GB available for storage. Should be enough to hold me
for a bit. I will keep in mind your suggestion should I run into any
more backup failures...


Yes rebooting will most times solve the problem of a bad or missing
backup. Be sure and mark those to be deleted on the next backup.
Today we experienced a non-connection on one of our boxes. Rebooting
didn't help so we went into WHS via Shared Folder to Software/Home
Server Connector Software and reinstalled the connector. It maintains
all settings when you do this and you don't have to use the connector CD.
Just FYI.


Adam said:
More proof Frank is nothing but some uninformed copycat.
Well..we didn't know you had WHS installed?
You've got the CTP or RC installed?
You do have it installed don't you?
Or are you just confused as usual?

Adam Albright

Well..we didn't know you had WHS installed?
You've got the CTP or RC installed?
You do have it installed don't you?
Or are you just confused as usual?

I'm just pointing out more of your constant stupidity.


Adam said:
I'm just pointing out more of your constant stupidity.

Oh...but then that implies that you know what you're talking about
doesn't it?
Well...fat chance of that ever happening!

Lang Murphy

Frank said:
Yes rebooting will most times solve the problem of a bad or missing
backup. Be sure and mark those to be deleted on the next backup.
Today we experienced a non-connection on one of our boxes. Rebooting
didn't help so we went into WHS via Shared Folder to Software/Home Server
Connector Software and reinstalled the connector. It maintains all
settings when you do this and you don't have to use the connector CD.
Just FYI.


Yes, I experienced that first hand today... I had another backup failure and
the backup service was not running. I rebooted the WHS box and thought,
initially, that it was broken again but I don't think I gave it enough time
the first time because it eventually started and I was able to do a manual

The thing I find odd about this failure is that the client PC is wired and
always on... (meaning it never goes to sleep) so I'm not sure why the backup

Appreciate your feedback.




Lang said:

Yes, I experienced that first hand today... I had another backup failure
and the backup service was not running. I rebooted the WHS box and
thought, initially, that it was broken again but I don't think I gave it
enough time the first time because it eventually started and I was able
to do a manual backup.

The thing I find odd about this failure is that the client PC is wired
and always on... (meaning it never goes to sleep) so I'm not sure why
the backup fails.

Appreciate your feedback.



So far it's only happened once with this RC release. Could be just an
anomaly or...a bug!
Time will tell.

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