Really slow reaction in online games like SWG and MTGO


Mark Elgie

Well when im playing SWG everything is really slow and
laggy and i have a ping of 5000, at first this just seems
like the internet is really slow or that SOE's servers are
really slow. Well my internet is probaly not slow because
my browser has no problems fast as ever, and it isn't
SOE's servers because my friend plays and he is having no
problems. I have tried everything to fix that i know of,
system restore, disk cleanup, virus scan, etc... and non
have helped the problem.

Also the other day the game was doing good for 20 mins
than would become crappy again and repeat that for couple
hours. This made me really believe that it was the
internet but just really wanted to see if anyone thought
it might be something in my computer.

Any help would be great thanks!

Jimmy S.

Hi Mark,

I don't want to overwhelm you with information, nor do I want to make you
wait for more suggestions if my first instincts are incorrect. For this reason,
here's a fairly complete checklist of solutions, which should solve the problem.

Remember, if there is a step that you feel unsure about, we are here to help
you. Just post your questions and we'll do our very best to help you further.

With that said, here's the checklist of troubleshooting steps for you! :)

* Just a note Mark: If nothing here improves your situation, call your Internet
Provider and have them test your line, and your modem for you. Most of them
have a 1-800 number and provide such service free of charge.


1. Run this SPEED TEST:

2. Download the TCP Optimizer Utility:

3. Double click the program to start it:

4. Select the type of connection you're using: DSL, Dialup, DSL (PPPoE),
or Cable, then click "Optimal settings", click Apply changes, and click Exit.

5. Reboot and run the SPEED TEST again. Notice any improvement? If not,
then the Internet "highway" that you're using may be under heavy traffic or
construction. I have a webpage you can use to examine that possibility:


1. Extra items in your Networking Properties Components list may confuse and
delay your system while it's connecting as it has to choose which component to
transfer the data through. Solution: Remove unnecessary network Components.
If you don't use dial up, replace "Dial Up Adapter" with "Network Adapter" in:
these instructions:
* If you don't use a Dialup Modem, delete it. In 99% of cases VPN components
aren't used, so you can safely delete those as well.

2. Advanced Users should Reinstall ICS and Networking Components:;EN-US;q263276 Or..
another advice would be to simply unplug the computer, remove the card
you connect to the internet with, and then restart the computer to verify that there
is no longer anything installed in the Control Panel / Networking section.
Once done power off, unplug, reinstall the card, and create a new connection.

3. Lag/Latency can be caused by your Modem or Network Cards and by other
programs running on your system. Firewalls and even AntiVirus programs have
been know to slow a connection down. You can disable startup programs using the
method explained at:

4. Scan for Adware/Spyware/Trojans with Spybot from:
And then run an Online Virus Scan:

5. If you use a Router, or similar networking/internet sharing device, check for
firmware updates. There's been a lot of improvements with the release of DX 9.0b
which you should download and install from:


1. Disconnects can be caused by your Modem or Network Cards and by other
programs running on your system. See above for help disabling those programs.

2. Another reason for disconnects could be an external router or modem that has
overheated. Try unplugging it for awhile, and contact your ISP to see if they have
a newer model if the problem keeps recurring.

3. Check for IRQ sharing: Click START / Run / type: msinfo32 / ENTER
Expand + Hardware Resources / Click on IRQ and notice if the sound card, video
card(s), and modem/network cards share the same IRQ. If they do, move them into
different slots, to prevent bottlenecks caused by too much traffic on the same IRQ.

4. Further to step 3., Make certain that your Network adapter or Internal Modem
is not in the slot directly beside the graphics card, as those two must be separate.


More information on the topic of online gaming connections is available at: my site and the reference for this reply to you includes
Ports listings, Router configuration settings, ICS, DSL, Cable and Networking help.

Dialup Tips: Dialup Tips:;EN-US;Q228564

Hope that's been of help, please let me know how it went. :)

Cheers, Windows XP MVP Shell / User
Jimmy S.

Game FAQs:;[LN];gms
Visit my / Gaming Helpsite: or Call / Contact
MS Support at:;en-us;top
My advice is donated "AS IS" without warranty; nor do I confer any rights.

| Well when im playing SWG everything is really slow and
| laggy and i have a ping of 5000, at first this just seems
| like the internet is really slow or that SOE's servers are
| really slow. Well my internet is probaly not slow because
| my browser has no problems fast as ever, and it isn't
| SOE's servers because my friend plays and he is having no
| problems. I have tried everything to fix that i know of,
| system restore, disk cleanup, virus scan, etc... and non
| have helped the problem.
| Also the other day the game was doing good for 20 mins
| than would become crappy again and repeat that for couple
| hours. This made me really believe that it was the
| internet but just really wanted to see if anyone thought
| it might be something in my computer.
| Any help would be great thanks!

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