Read this link, and you won't buy Vista.


Paul Smith

They need the PC more than it needs them. Period.

The vast vast vast majority of people don't use a PC to watch DVDs, they use
a set top box under their TV.

The movie industry would be more than willing in my opinion to chop of the
few percent of people who only have a PC (like myself) in order to stop a
large share of piracy.

Paul Smith,
Yeovil, UK.
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User.

*Remove nospam. to reply by e-mail*


Do you understand that 99% of the people in this newsgroup already have

If what you say is true, I guess I'm naive to assume that, like
myself, others first do some research before spending a significant
amount of money. (At least it's significant when you are trying to
live on a pension.)

There is also the possibility that, having belatedly educated
themselves, current users will warn friends instead of sucking them in
to share their folly.

Richard Urban

DRM is not the big thing to many people as you would have others believe.
Many actually use their computers for WORK. <OMG>



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)

Quote from George Ankner:
If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!


I went to high school in Stockton, California and finished in Santa Cruz
California in 1973. So I was still a little young but I spent many an hour
at the corner of Haite and Ashbury. I was 15 when I went to Altamont... I
was sitting on the edge of the stage until just before the music started and
some Hell's Angel guy came over and told me to get off... After a short
argument (yes, I was always argumentative), I got smart and got off the
stage. I watched Marty Balin get knocked out and I watched the kid get

But mostly, we questioned authority.


Well said.


"Well they did with Super Audio CD."

It's just flourishing, isn't it?

Just like the music industry in general.
The music industry as we know it now,
is slowly killing itself.
They need the PC more than it needs them. Period.



Decrepit said:
Well, now that Vista is officially released, and there will be an
influx of new readers, now is a good time to bring it forward again.
Fortunately, I happened to trip over it elsewhere and it became my
third reason I won't be buying Vista. (The first two are cost and too
restrictive copy protection.)

If that's one of your reasons then you don't understand what DRM is about.
DRM is the issue, not Vista. Whether you migrate to Vista or not is a
decision that one makes based on needs, but DRM is not the issue.


You're absolutely correct.

And that's exactly why Microsoft should refuse to implement DRM in the
operating system. If the few of us who don't even own a dedicated DVD
player for the TV go out and buy that dedicated DVD player for $39.95 or a
dedicated DVD recorder for $79.95 instead of using Vista and a hamstrung MCE
PVR, Microsoft will lose all momentum they have on controlling the living

As it is now, MCE and Microsoft add nothing to the experience. And I have
been using MCE for almost 2 years. The music library interface is so bad
that I quit using it for music altogether and wrote my own shell around WMP.
Media Center gives me nothing more than a DVD player.



You should. I haven't seen it and there are a lot of new readers, I am
sure. And I always love a good DRM horror story.



Thanks for sharing that.

I was 5 when you graduated High School. I should've
said, "I was a baby during the *end* of the 60s." :)

It's okay to be argumentative... I am, too. Really, I can be. ;-)

I'm outta here for the rest of the night.
Have a good evening, Dale.



It's in this group and the music_pictures_video group.
A few times. :)

I'll look through my sent folder tomorrow to see
what I can come up with.


Kerry Brown

Can you tell me one other OS that doesn't have DRM built in that can play
these theoretical encrypted disks? Is there any other OS that even has a
chance to play them? Given the laws in the US could a legitimate company
bypass the copy protection and not be prosecuted?

I hate DRM with a passion but I place the blame where it lays - with the
content providers not the devices that play the content. If you want to play
the content legally you have no choice but to enable the DRM specified by
the providers.


Can you tell me one other OS that doesn't have DRM built in that can play
these theoretical encrypted disks? Is there any other OS that even has a
chance to play them?Given the laws in the US could a legitimate company
bypass the copy protection and not be prosecuted?

The point is, no other OS matters. MS has approx. 95% of the market.
MS is the only player with enough clout to say 'No way - we're not
going to cripple our system just so you can make more money.' Note
that this doesn't mean bypassing the copy protection, just refusing to
support it. If you don't understand what adverse effects DRM support
is going to have on your system, and the costs of associated hardware,
then you haven't read the linked article thoroughly.

Daze N. Knights

I went to high school in Napa, California, also did some hanging out in
the Haight-Ashbury during the daze, and was going to UC Berkeley at the
time of Altamont, which I experienced at the age of about twenty. I was
sitting up on the hillside, though, a fair distance from the rough and
tumble of the stage. Small world, eh?

Peter M

Yawn.. many have read that and noticed the somewhat FUD presented. So tell
us O great one, what is MS supposed to do? They say no to DRM then no
windows machine will be allowed to play protected content unless
hacked/cracked. Whatever clout MS has isn't greater than the RIAA/MPAA
combined (RIAA/MPAA do have very many powerful lobbies in gov't which MS
does not).


It's amazing how many people were there....

Dale said:
I went to high school in Stockton, California and finished in Santa Cruz
California in 1973. So I was still a little young but I spent many an hour
at the corner of Haite and Ashbury. I was 15 when I went to Altamont... I
was sitting on the edge of the stage until just before the music started
and some Hell's Angel guy came over and told me to get off... After a short
argument (yes, I was always argumentative), I got smart and got off the
stage. I watched Marty Balin get knocked out and I watched the kid get

But mostly, we questioned authority.

Tom Lake

It's a sad reflection on our
society that we've lost the ability to question authority - especially
that our youth have lost that. It is sad that young people have chosen
jobs and money over life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Without money you can't afford the pursuit of happiness!

Tom Lake


Most of it is FUD.

While using FUD to scare folks off of a product, what a concept, wait
until the folks at Redmond pick up on that tactic. <smile>.

Stephan Rose

You're absolutely correct.

And that's exactly why Microsoft should refuse to implement DRM in the
operating system. If the few of us who don't even own a dedicated DVD
player for the TV go out and buy that dedicated DVD player for $39.95 or a
dedicated DVD recorder for $79.95 instead of using Vista and a hamstrung MCE
PVR, Microsoft will lose all momentum they have on controlling the living

Well I personally *do* have one very strong reason why I do not use an
actual DVD player and use my PC instead.

I have a lot of stuff I buy from Japan for example, that isn't exactly
easy or cheap to I make copies of those DVDs to store on my
hard drives so that I can safely put the originals away where they
won't get damaged.

Plus being able to switch DVDs with a mouse click is another nice

Plus not needing to have 3 DVD players underneath my TV because I have
content from 3 different regions is another nice feature!

Any of those things are very strong reasons I don't care about
dedicated DVD players and don't own one...and will refuse to use an
operating system that does not allow me to do that anymore.

2003 Yamaha R6

kimi no koto omoidasu hi nante nai no wa
kimi no koto wasureta toki ga nai kara

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