Quicken and Com Error


the third party

I am updated with Windows XP and recently my Quicken program stopped working.
Each time I try to start it I get a Crash with a Com Error. After going a
long way with the Quicken people, we believe it is a problem with the system.
I have no idea where to go from here. What is the Com Error, it gives no
other details. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the program too many times
to mention.


I am updated with Windows XP and recently my Quicken program stopped
working. Each time I try to start it I get a Crash with a Com Error.
After going a long way with the Quicken people, we believe it is a
problem with the system. I have no idea where to go from here. What
is the Com Error, it gives no other details. I have uninstalled and
reinstalled the program too many times to mention.

Did you try to uninstall, clean the registry from quicken entries and

the third party

I have done all of that. That is why I am completely lost to this problem, it
has moved beyond my knowledge base.

the third party

Any ideas? Anyone? Am I leaking into the wind?

the third party said:
I have done all of that. That is why I am completely lost to this problem, it
has moved beyond my knowledge base.


I have done all of that. That is why I am completely lost to this
problem, it has moved beyond my knowledge base.

Did you actually recursively search the registry for all quicken entries
and deleted them?

the third party

Yes, about the reinstalls ago. I went file by file and deleted until there
was nothing at all on my computer.

the third party

I meant 3 reinstalls ago. the computer was absolutely clear of all Quicken
programs. Then I reinstalled and ended up in the same spot, with Quicken not
running and saying Crash Com Error. The program worked ok then the next day
it stopped. No one seems to be able to direct me to information on how to
correct it. There is no number after the Com error statement so I am at a
loss as to what in particular it is. Quicken peole do ot know and claim it is
with this programming. Is it a little process that a Microsoft updaye got rid
of that I can redownload? I need to know like now so I can do my taxes!! Is
there an instant help desk?

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