Quick Launch luanches OL Twice



Vista OL2007

I unintentionally deleted OL from quicklaunch - so I dragged the one from
Start menu onto the desktop to create short cut and moved that to quick
launch. Now when I click OL in the quicklaunch it launches two instanaces
of OL

How can I restore a single instance OL to the quick launch toolbar?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Add the /recycle switch to the shortcut in QuickLaunch.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
How to ask a question: http://support.microsoft.com/KB/555375

After furious head scratching, wallaby asked:

| Vista OL2007
| I unintentionally deleted OL from quicklaunch - so I dragged the one
| from Start menu onto the desktop to create short cut and moved that
| to quick launch. Now when I click OL in the quicklaunch it launches
| two instanaces of OL
| How can I restore a single instance OL to the quick launch toolbar?

Brian Tillman

wallaby said:
No can do - Target is grey

Create a shortcut manually. The shortcuts in the Start menu are a a little
different in their construction.

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