Quick L(a)unch ate my calculator...



Here's a weird one.

In putting a calculator shortcut to my quick launch toolbar I somehow ended up with two identical icons. I deleted one, and on reboot found that both had gone. I went to re-copy it to the quick launch bar, but it had also been deleted from my accessories menu. Now I have no idea how to get it back.

What's up with that?

Thanks in advance,



Open windows explorer navigate to C:\windows\system32
Find the program CALC.EXE and right click to drag it to your start menu.
When you get it where you want release the button and select "Create
Shortcut" from the menu that appears and your calculator will no longer be


If QuickLaunch is that little toolbar next to the Start button, then you may
need to pull it longer so that you can see all the buttons. Put the cursor
on the right edge and drag to the right.
(PS. QuickLunch...Delightful!)
Paul said:
Here's a weird one.

In putting a calculator shortcut to my quick launch toolbar I somehow
ended up with two identical icons. I deleted one, and on reboot found that
both had gone. I went to re-copy it to the quick launch bar, but it had
also been deleted from my accessories menu. Now I have no idea how to get
it back.


Yes that litle toolbar would be quick launch.
But you won't be able to do that if the taskbar is locked. If it is locked
and there are more icons than what you can see there will be a little double
arroe >> on the right side of the quick launch bar. You can click on that to
see if CALC is there. If it isn't then your back to my original response.

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