pictures & pop up window for info



Hope someone can help me.

I want to put 9 pictures on a page. I know I can do that using the table feature.
I want to be able to have the viewers click on the picture and a window pop up (smaller than the page with all the pictures) that will show info regarding the picture they clicked (i.e. price and size)
I tried to do that using target but it comes up as a whole page even when I indicate window.

I have a page already done with the pictures using the photo gallery; however, right now when you click on the pictures some are huge and I don't know if I can do a small pop up this way.

I know there has to be an easy way to do this.



addtl info:

I am using 2003
The window that pops up when I look at it is like another web page ... I just want a window so I can put into in there

Thomas A. Rowe

1. Requires JavaScript to accomplish the popup windows, see Spawn at
2. You will need to resize your large images in a image editor prior to
importing into FP for display in the popup window.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Pam said:
Hope someone can help me.

I want to put 9 pictures on a page. I know I can do that using the table feature.
I want to be able to have the viewers click on the picture and a window
pop up (smaller than the page with all the pictures) that will show info
regarding the picture they clicked (i.e. price and size)
I tried to do that using target but it comes up as a whole page even when I indicate window.

I have a page already done with the pictures using the photo gallery;
however, right now when you click on the pictures some are huge and I don't
know if I can do a small pop up this way.

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