Hmm, I'm old enough to remember that stuf. My Mum & Dad always listened to a Radio program called 'Sing Something Simple' every Sunday around 6pm. Made me want to vomit, tbh.
My Dad liked the Billy Cotton Band Show, I had to suffer it, lol. But will admit mr Cotton had a certain charm 'Take it away breezy' he used to say (a reference to a singer named Alan Breeze to sing the song, as I recall) but me, I was listemning to Radios Luxembourg, Caroline and London.
Sunday lunch? Aye, remember that, superb gravy, chicken back then was the expensive meat and a luxury and 'Two Way Family favourites' playing on the medium wave light radio. To tell the truth I'm glad we've moved on, lol
Still, the things that are common or garden when we're young somehow seem precious when we're old (er). That's just natural but it don't neccessarily make things better or worse compared to whatever.
Must admit I've found that things I scorned when I was younger I have now taken a cautious shine to. Like the soundtracks to certain films for instance, like South Pacific, to give but one example. I hated that stuff when it was current but listening to it now triggers all kinds of weird memories.
I wonder if when my offspring are my age they will feel the same about Take That, Westlife, Bewitched and a whole crop of current girlie films?
Life goes on, not neccessarily better or worse, just different. Unfortunately most folks judge life on their younger times, which is wrong, oh so very wrong. But kinda natural I suppose.