page numbering



I am well into a novel and have numerous chapters that I must edit. Each
chapter is set up as a file and I am constantly adding deleting modifying and
changing the sequence of the chapters. Is it possible to set up a page number
sequence that will continue sequentially among multiple files and how would
that be accomplished.


You _can_ use the "Master Document" feature of Word, but you
shouldn't, as it doesn't work well.It would be better to simply copy
all your chapters into one big file -- you're certainly not going to
write something too long for Word to handle!You can rearrange the
chapters simply by going to Outline View, collapsing to view only the
chapter title (or whatever), and moving it up or down.On Aug 23,
well into a novel and have numerous chapters that I must edit. Each>
chapter is set up as a file and I am constantly adding deleting
modifying and> changing the sequence of the chapters. Is it possible
to set up a page number> sequence that will continue sequentially
among multiple files and how would> that be accomplished.

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