Output to TV is crooked PLEASE HELP!



Hi all. I have recently built a home theater PC. This is solely
connected to my TV in the living room. I am using a GeForce FX5200
Video Card to output to the TV, but the picture is slightly crooked.
I have been looking all over for a fix for this and I just cant find
it. I have the resolution set at 800 x 600 and have tried all
possible refresh rates. I know it is not the TV because I have just
recently bought a new one and it is crooked on both sets. I really
need to fix this problem, as I use the HTPC on a daily basis and it
is really bugging me. If anyone could help it would be much


Try going for a higher-end FX card, on the count that the 5200 was a
piece of garbage even when the FX cards were dominating the market.

Personally, I would pick up a GeForce 6200 for around $60-$70.


I also forgot to mention that you should try a different S-video cable.

If it's still giving you problems, then trash that video card.


awesome. thank you so much, this has been bugging me for a while. I
going to go out and get a new cable, and see how that works, and i
not Ill just pick up a new card. thanks again

Thomas Wendell

Wonder how to output 800*600 to a TV????

Here are resolutions different TV standards..

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