outlook express driving me mad!



can anyone please help? I cannot send email from out -I've tries system
restore, downloading updates,checked the account properties ect, checked for
viruses and everything seems ok. i can receive mess but not send. This is the
message that comes up wen I try to send
''An unknown error has occurred. Subject 'Emailing: main', Account:
'pop.wanadoo.co.uk', Server: 'smtp.wanadoo.co.uk', Protocol: SMTP, Server
Response: '550 Error: Message content rejected', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No,
Server Error: 550, Error Number: 0x800CCC69''
Any help greatly appreciated, thanks

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Anita,

Call your service provider. The error indicates that it is reaching the
intended server, but is being rejected by it. This isn't a configuration
issue on your end as the outgoing messages are definitely reaching the mail
server. The "content rejected" error indicates that something about your
messages is triggering a block by the mail server. Only the provider can
tell you what that might be.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help - www.rickrogers.org

Gerry Cornell


Please see if the attached link applies -last item on page:

I think Wanadoo may have had or did have a server problem as I have read
several reports from Wanadoo users this morning regarding similar
problems. It may be worth telephoning Wanadoo Technical Support for


Hope this helps.


Using invalid email address

Stourport, Worcs, England
Enquire, plan and execute.
Please tell the newsgroup how any
suggested solution worked for you.



Thanks for your help Rick. I've telephoned wanadoo who say it's not them ,
but the number indicates there is a 'file' missing she said. She gave me the
number for microsoft to ring tomorrow.!!!
I can 't download it from disc coz can i hellas like find me 25 digit
authorisation code!!! it's not been my day !
Only other thing.....on the add/remove programmes page -outlook express is
not there...should it be ?


Thanks Gerry.
Just some thing I'm not sure about
<<<The solution is to change the SMTP server for that mail account under
Tools| Accounts| <account name> Properties| Servers. >>>
Change it to what????
One small thing .....I did system restore yesterday and that cured the
problem, but it's back again to day !!!!! I really can't figure this one out
....Any of you guys live near me in Doncaster ??? it drives me mad wen I can't
work my machine properly, does it you?
But thanks for replying even, and trying to help. This is the first time
I've used a newsgroup.

Gerry Cornell


Often when you ring an ISP Technical Support you are fobbed off.
Tomorrow you could well find all is working again with no action from
you. That's the way the cookie crumbles. It's been 40 years since I
lasted worked in Rotherham and stayed at a hotel in Doncaster!

I doubt it is a Microsoft problem as it would be a more widespread
problem. There would be users with ISP's complaining. I don't suppose it
is an ISP branded version of Outlook Express you are using? Freeserve
and Compuserve (like AOL) used to issue their customers with branded
versions of Internet Explorer?


Hope this helps.


Using invalid email address

Stourport, Worcs, England
Enquire, plan and execute.
Please tell the newsgroup how any
suggested solution worked for you.



Did they say what file was missing? It seems unlikely to me
that it is caused by a missing file. The message indicates
that the SMTP server that you are sending to has refused the
mail because of the content. Have you tried sending to a
different email address on a different server?

Wanadoo is high in the list of ISPs that SPAMmers use. It is
possible that someone has blocked all Wanadoo email traffic.




Try switching the port to 2525 instead of 25. My ISP was having th
same probs sending mail from my Outlook account. They said somethig
to the effect of their server port (25) was not recognizing my info s
switch to their unsecured (?) port 2525. it worked....now your ISP ma
have a different port number, but it is worth a try before the phon
call. Also they said that some servers are receive before sen
servers, so you must check email before you can send it... Now ca
someone please help me startup my comp on XP see my posted question i
this forum...thanks!


Thanks for your suggestion Jon, but that hasnt worked either......
I think I'm going to ditch outlook being as microsoft has ditched it
too.....Thanks to all your helpful replies.
Sorry I'm an amateur and can't repay the compliment Jon,

Gerry Cornell


You do appreciate that Outlook and Outlook Express are totally different
programmes? What makes you think Microsoft have ditched either?


Hope this helps.


Using invalid email address

Stourport, Worcs, England
Enquire, plan and execute.
Please tell the newsgroup how any
suggested solution worked for you.


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