Outlook 2007 Process


Scott Micale

I have been using Outlook 2007 since it came out and it is slower then a
dog. I am looking at the Outlook.exe in my Processes tab in Task manager
and it is running at 165,244K. Is that normal? Seems like it is being a
huge resource hog. Any ideas?


As you may noticed, Microsoft Outlook tends to respond slower to your
commands, as time goes by over your Outlook installation. We use to compare
Microsoft Outlook with Microsoft Windows: they both needs constant tweaking
and optimization, unless you are willing to reformat your disk and to
reinstall Windows. But on the Outlook case, reinstalling it can bring lots of
headaches and critical data may get lost during the process.

This article tries to explain you how to make Outlook faster and better,
without reinstalling it. The article applies to the following Outlook
• It takes several minutes for Outlook to start;
• You constantly get Outlook crashes or error messages;
• It takes a lot of time for Outlook to switch folders or to view email
• Outlook dies or it opens slowly, after it was minimized to the Windows
• Outlook doesn't respond to your commands or its responses are erratic.

How to make Outlook run faster
First of all, you need to understand that Outlook is a database driven
Windows product: as more information you add to it, as more time it needs to
respond to your commands. Moreover, the Outlook engine was designed during
the Windows 95 days, but for compatibility reasons its database engine
remained almost the same until today. On top of this system, with every new
Outlook version Microsoft added several layers of features, such as Tasks,
the Journal, the Business Contacts Manager and so on.

So, the key for optimizing Outlook is: how can I take the stress out of
Outlook and make it to handle less information? Remember the first day when
you started Outlook? It loaded almost instantly and it was always promptly
responding to your commands. Well, a lot has changed since that day: you now
have multiple Outlook email accounts to handle, tons of emails spreaded in
several mail folders, dozens of Outlook contacts, maybe even some cool addins
or addons for Outlook.

Here is a to-do list for making Outlook to load and run faster:
• Always archive your incoming emails: there is no need to keep thousands
of emails in your active mail box. You can just setup Outlook so it
automatically move older emails to an archive folder. This way, when starting
Outlook or when switching folders, the program doesn't have to load a huge
list of emails. To archive a folder, simply right click on it, select its
Properties, then go to the AutoArchive tab to configure your archiving
• Make sure the default folder that is displayed when Outlook starts is not
too crowded with emails. Try to move emails away from the default starting
folder to archive folders or to other sub-folders. For example, if you
receive many emails from a contact, you can define a rule so all those emails
are automatically moved into a specific folder. As less items Outlook has to
display at startup, as faster it shall load.

• Pay a lot of attention to 3rd party addins or addons. While they can
bring benefits for your workflow, they surely add to the Outlook lag. Keep
only the addins that you know you are using on regular basis: although you
may not use an installed addin, it still consumes Outlook resources simply by
"being there". You can see a list of your currently installed addins by the
Tools menu -> Options -> Other -> Advanced Options -> Add-in Manager. You may
also want to try our free Outlook Add-in Utility which is delivered with
Bells & Whistles for Outlook.
• If you use Outlook with a slow Internet connection to connect to a
mailbox on a Microsoft Exchange server, you can improve response time by
minimizing how much information Outlook transfers over the connection and how
often these transfers occur. The best way to accomplish this is by working
offline instead of online. As an alternative, you can configure Outlook to
download only the email headers of incoming emails.
• On a busy environment, Outlook needs to handle large mailbox files (PST
files). You may want to defragment the disk partition on which your PST file
is located. Since new information (emails or else) is continuously added by
Outlook to your personal folders file, the PST file tends to become
fragmented very quickly. As a result, it is a good idea to schedule, at least
weekly, a disk defragmentation for the partition where the PST file is
stored. If your defrag tool allows it, you should move the PST file at the
beginning disk sectors of your disk partition: this way will hardware will
require less time to access & read the PST file.
• Unless it deals with critical errors, Outlook doesn't always report less
important errors. By running the "Detect and Repair" function (from the
Outlook Help menu) on regular basis, you rest assured that nothing bad is
happening in the background.
• Avoid switching tasks (ALT + TAB) while the main Outlook window is
maximized. If you need to switch to a different application, make sure you
firstly minimize Outlook, then go to the other program. Otherwise, it may end
up using so much memory that it stops responding.
• The default Outlook settings makes it work with the Windows Instant
Messenger as often as possible. As a result, switching between emails or
folders can be very slow, as the Windows Messenger needs to load its
information, too. You can disable the use of Windows Messenger for Outlook
from the Tools menu, under Options -> Other -> Person Names (unmark the
related checkboxes).
• Microsoft Office is delivered with speech and handwriting recognition
features. Outlook also loads them and they increase the memory usage of
Outlook. Here is a Microsoft article explaining how to turn off these
• If you use to work on the same Windows session for days and if you need
to keep Outlook up and running all the time, try closing & restarting Outlook
at least daily. Especially due to 3rd party addins, Outlook can require more
and more memory resources if you keep it open for a longer period of time.

If all the above tips didn't make any difference and your Outlook is still
running slow, maybe the only option is to backup your Outlook personal files,
say a prayer and reinstall everything!

Patrick Schmid [MVP]

Yes, that is normal. Minimize all Outlook windows and see to what the
memory usage shrinks too.
Outlook takes as much memory as it can only get, but releases it when
other programs need memory.
Your performance problems probably stem from a PST file larger than 1

Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
Office 2007 RTM Issues: http://pschmid.net/blog/2006/11/13/80
Customize Office 2007: http://pschmid.net/office2007/customize
RibbonCustomizer Add-In: http://pschmid.net/office2007/ribboncustomizer
OneNote 2007: http://pschmid.net/office2007/onenote
Subscribe to my Office 2007 blog: http://pschmid.net/blog/feed

Patrick Schmid [MVP]

. Unless it deals with critical errors, Outlook doesn't always report
important errors. By running the "Detect and Repair" function (from the
Outlook Help menu) on regular basis, you rest assured that nothing bad is
happening in the background.
Outlook 2007 calls it Office Diagnsotics.

. Microsoft Office is delivered with speech and handwriting recognition
features. Outlook also loads them and they increase the memory usage of
Outlook. Here is a Microsoft article explaining how to turn off these
Office 2007 does not contain speech & handwriting recognition features
anymore. The only handwriting support is ink on Tablet PCs, and there it
relies on the Operating System to provide most of the feature.
If all the above tips didn't make any difference and your Outlook is still
running slow, maybe the only option is to backup your Outlook personal files,
say a prayer and reinstall everything!
That won't do much for Outlook 2007. Big PSTs (larger than 1 GB) or many
items in a folder are a key performance problem (besides POP3 related
things) and a reinstall will not make a dent in this problem.

Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
Office 2007 RTM Issues: http://pschmid.net/blog/2006/11/13/80
Customize Office 2007: http://pschmid.net/office2007/customize
RibbonCustomizer Add-In: http://pschmid.net/office2007/ribboncustomizer
OneNote 2007: http://pschmid.net/office2007/onenote
Subscribe to my Office 2007 blog: http://pschmid.net/blog/feed

Patrick Schmid [MVP]

Microsoft just released a patch for Outlook 2007 that should fix the PST
& OST performance issues: http://pschmid.net/blog/2007/04/13/105

My Outlook is definitely faster now...

Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
Outlook 2007 Performance Update: http://pschmid.net/blog/2007/04/13/105
Office 2007 RTM Issues: http://pschmid.net/blog/2006/11/13/80
Customize Office 2007: http://pschmid.net/office2007/customize
RibbonCustomizer Add-In: http://pschmid.net/office2007/ribboncustomizer
OneNote 2007: http://pschmid.net/office2007/onenote
Subscribe to my Office 2007 blog: http://pschmid.net/blog/feed

. Unless it deals with critical errors, Outlook doesn't always report less
important errors. By running the "Detect and Repair" function (from the
Outlook Help menu) on regular basis, you rest assured that nothing bad is
happening in the background.
Outlook 2007 calls it Office Diagnsotics.

. Microsoft Office is delivered with speech and handwriting recognition
features. Outlook also loads them and they increase the memory usage of
Outlook. Here is a Microsoft article explaining how to turn off these
Office 2007 does not contain speech & handwriting recognition features
anymore. The only handwriting support is ink on Tablet PCs, and there it
relies on the Operating System to provide most of the feature.
If all the above tips didn't make any difference and your Outlook is still
running slow, maybe the only option is to backup your Outlook personal files,
say a prayer and reinstall everything!
That won't do much for Outlook 2007. Big PSTs (larger than 1 GB) or many
items in a folder are a key performance problem (besides POP3 related
things) and a reinstall will not make a dent in this problem.

Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
Office 2007 RTM Issues: http://pschmid.net/blog/2006/11/13/80
Customize Office 2007: http://pschmid.net/office2007/customize
RibbonCustomizer Add-In: http://pschmid.net/office2007/ribboncustomizer
OneNote 2007: http://pschmid.net/office2007/onenote
Subscribe to my Office 2007 blog: http://pschmid.net/blog/feed

Leon Hao [MSFT]

Hi Scott,

Sorry for the delay due to the weekend.

If I understood properly, your issue is: Outlook 2007 performs slowly and
eats up a lot of memory.

Is that true?

First of all, I would like to thank you all for the suggestions. Scott,
have you tried them? If so, would you please let me know your current

Additionally, from my point of view, this is mostly caused by a certain
third party add-ins. So I would like to confirm that if you are seeing a
"memory leak" scenario. In the scenario, Outlook 2007 will slowly eats up
all your physical memory which leads to a slow performance issue.

To see if this is your situation, please see my suggestions below:

* Suggestion 1: Test in Outlook Safe Mode
Outlook Safe Mode can narrow down issues which are caused by any
extensions, corrupted resources, files, registries, or templates.

1. Click Start | Run.
2. In the Open box, type: "Outlook /safe" (without the quotation marks)
Notes: There is a space character between Outlook and the forward slash (/).
3. Click OK.
4. After Outlook starts, determine if it is more smoothly now. Please run
Outlook at least for half an hour to see it's performance.

* Suggestion 2: Start Windows in Safe Mode with Network
1. Exit all applications and restart your system.
2. Long press F8 key at the boot sequence of Windows to invoke the Startup
3. Choose Safe Mode with Network and press Enter.

When Windows is started, determine if this scenario is gone.

Meanwhile, if the two tests all reproduce the same issue, then I need to
collect the following information for further research:

* Information Collection
1. What is the version of your Windows system? Have you applied all the
latest updates?
2. Does this occur on another Outlook profile? Please also create a new one
to test.
3. Does this occur with another Windows account? Please also create a new
one to test.

Hope to hear from you soon!


Leon Hao

Microsoft Online Partner Support
Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
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