opening pictures in internet explorer



whenever i try opening multiple picture files, it loads in multiple internet
explorer windows.
How do i open pictures(jpeg) in a single internet explorer window? How do i
make this setting permanent?
I'm using windows XP Home Edition.

Glenda P.

If you mean Windows Explorer,
then go to Control Panel under
Appearances & Themes
click Folder Options and under the General Tab Tick the box to
"Open each Folder in the same window"
I hope this is what you wanted.


Well Glenda, thanks for your help. I tried what you suggested. But, it still
didn't correct it. Do you have any other suggestions in opening multiple
pictures in Microsoft Internet Explorer?

Glenda P.

I am not sure what you mean about using INTERNET EXPLORER to open photos.
Using OPEN with Internet Explorer to open .jpg files, uses Windows Picture
and Fax Viewer to view individual photos.
What program opens your photos when you double click on them?
Do you have a photo editing program on your pc? If you want to open
multiple photo files within a photo editing program, you might want to try
this good free program
Let me know if this is what you are trying to do.


Well thats not exactly what i meant. You see, i chose Internet Explorer to
view my imges with. But, whenever i try to open more than one image file(
opening image files back to back), it opens in diferent Internet Explorer
windows. How do i make it open in the same window?
When i was using Windows 98, I didn't have any problems in opening image
files in the same window.
Please advise.Thank You

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