open e-mail with vista



I have a laptop, Dell, with Microsoft Office Word 2003. I typed minutes of a
meeting and then tried to e-mail them to my home computer which has Vista,
and I cannot open the e-mail. I sent the e-mail to my desktop, thinking I
could open it there, but can't. I've tried everything I know (which isn't
much) and have had no success. HELP? Any reply needs to be very specific,
and in English, not computer language. Thank you.

Gary VanderMolen

Which email program did you use to do the sending from that laptop?
If it was Microsoft Outlook, it tends to send attachments in a proprietary
format that only another Outlook program can understand.
When sending attachments from Outlook, make sure you use plain text format.

Mick Murphy

If you typed the minutes in a Word doc, and emailed it to your home computer,
you need Word on your home computer too, to read it..

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