Windows XP online FPS quirks

Mar 8, 2002
Reaction score
I'm curious.

Counterstrike has remained a top player in the online FPS field for a long time. Coz it's good, it's popular, it's fun, AND you can play it on a 56k. Client-side physics. Sweet.

Tribes 2 will remain my favourite for a long time coz frankly, I'm just a Tribes junkie. Go me. hehe.

UT / Q3 know...

What about MoH:AA and C&C: Renegade? I've yet to try these online.

Also the whole Mechy/Hercy genre Opinions? Tried both... I don't think i qualify as experienced enough for a valid opinion tho. hehe.
I'm curious.

Counterstrike has remained a top player in the online FPS field for a long time. Coz it's good, it's popular, it's fun, AND you can play it on a 56k. Client-side physics. Sweet.

*Yeah and its very simple to play and get on with,if only my cable did'nt lagg so much.

Tribes 2 will remain my favourite for a long time coz frankly, I'm just a Tribes junkie. Go me. hehe.

UT / Q3 know...

What about MoH:AA and C&C: Renegade? I've yet to try these online.

*I have played MOHAA online and I hate useing gametiger to search for games,I do not understand why they didnt just make it like cs or most other recent online games.

Yeah, I'm with you on that. MoH:AA would be soo much better with client-side physics (CS). Had a brief game and promptly screamed at my 656ms ping, was slightly better with 250, but...bleh.

C&C: Renegade...still not tried.
I've just finished playing a game of MoH:AA with a ping of 120, and it was just about a good game - with a ping of <80 its great :D

About to find a faster server now!