Windows XP FPS Boom

Mar 8, 2002
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Okay, there's no denying it, there's an FPS boom in the games industry atm.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
C&C: Renegade

Yeah? Other than that, the gaming field is pretty quiet. Lotsa sequels. imho, the next big leap will be space MMPOGs. hehe. Or I'm just obsessed. But! Elite was possibly the greatest game ever, and any company that can reproduce it in a multiplayer arena will be permanently entrenched in the history books. Hence my passion for X-Online. :)

RTSs are pretty much done to death atm (except maybe for Conquest: Frontier wars, my current fave RTS. It rules, Ian, back me up here.) FPSs are apparently making a comeback. Oh...I hope the gaming industry doesn't go through an RPG phase. Sorry. I'm not exactly pro-RPGs.
You know, I just got done playing RtCW, went through it like 3 times, now it’s just boring. Same with Max Payne. And Clive Barkers Undying. Haven’t finished that one yet. Played Delta Force Land Warrior, SOF – haven’t played Serious Sam yet – I think there’s been such a glut of good FPS’s that I may be bored by them . . . .
I’m back to playing Tiberium Sun on multiplayer with my son. Looking forward to C&C Renegade. I like RTS games. Never have got bored with them, and I seem to like Tiberian Sun better than Red Alert or Red Alert 2 – That game’s a classic. Never palyed Conquest: Frontier Wars. Did waste money on Real War.

Glad someone else likes games . . .

Yeah, Conquest : Frontier Wars is a very good game - Kiel converted me, and now I cant stop playing it!
Being the "old" guy here I'm not much of a "gamer", however, Nettie & me are into Diablo II at the moment on our little network and as a team we managed to beat the devil himself. :D

Now we are back at it with some of the other "caricatures", so far so good.

The one thing that does annoy me about this game is you can only save & EXIT ... that is dammed annoying. When you reload the saved game you have to kill all the monsters all over again. The consolation to that is you do keep improving your skills, or should that read Kills. :D

Anything else out there on a similar theme to Diablo ... it has to be "mystic” with sorcerers & such?
I myself love the FPS,but it seems to me that the PC platform consist of only FPS and sports games.Where are the games I grew up on like Street Fighter,Tekken ,and Soul edge.I can only imagine what they could do with those games and an online community. I currently play Counter-Strike,MOHAA,Unreal Tournament,Madden 2002,and Rogue Spear.I am anticipating the release of Unreal 2,Unreal got me started in fps and Unreal 2 is suppose to have the best graphics ever and will actually use my gf3.

have you ever tried Warcraft 3?

Wildone ... Warcraft 3 is on my shopping list ... will wait for the full release. :D