On Screen Keybaord at Windows Log in on an XPE SP1 image




I am running a project and we need the machine to be fully touchscreen with
no physical Keyboard. What we need is a way to get an OSK to pop up at the
Windows log in prompt or at the Ctrl + Alt + Del screen so that the user can
log in to the domain or workstation.

Does anybody have any ideas what we can use to to get the OSK to come up at
the log in screen?


Paul Tyler
Athena USA

Juergen Seyffer

Hello Paul,

I also had some trouble with OSK, some months ago.
there are too solutions:

1. if your device is having a button, which could sent "Windows Logo" + "U",
OSK is coming up when pressing this button. You have to include "Utility
Manager" and "On screen Keyboard" with TD in both solutions.

2. there is a program called srvany.exe (part of an older Win SDK), which
could start any programm as a service.
you have to include "Utility Manager" , "OSK" and sc.exe (use Filters in

sc create <your Servicename> binPath= C:\windows\system32\srvany.exe

after that, search your Registry for
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\<your Servicename>
create a new KEY called Parameters
create a new STRING VALUE with the contents C:\Windows\System32\Utilman.exe

Now, the Utilman should come up with the Logon.

Best regards


Thanks Gentlemen

I am going to try this, we did have the win + u utility allocated to
pressing 2 buttons but it seems that if the user does not get this
absolutely correct then it causes it to hang. We have talked about getting
it to 1 key, but as they are reserved for something else I would rather have
the win + u automatically come up at Log in or just a simple OSK, that way
the user can log in to the network with their account.


Paul Tyler
Athena USA


Sorry Juergen, did not mean to e-mail directly, so here is the questionin
the proper forum. Does anybody know what to set the filter to so we can find
sc.exe? My engineer set it to find any component with sc.exe and nothing
came up.





"Service Command Line Tool" under "Software : System : System Services :
Base" category. MAke sure you TD Min visibility level set to 200 or less to
see the component.


PS. Btw, there is a bug in XPe DB (don't know it it is known or not,
though). There is one more component exist, "Service Commnand Line Tool"
with the same content (please not the "Commnand" word mispelling). Just
funny bug.

Andy Allred [MS]

Thanks Konstantin, you can file bug reports or suggestions to the
product team with the form below. Thanks again for the help, you've had
a lot of great ideas, this is one way to ensure they're premanently in
our tracking DB for XPe and LHe.

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no

Bug Report / Suggestions for the Windows Embedded team.

E-mail this bug report or product suggestion to wecrt AT microsoft.com.
All suggestions or bugs will be added to the product team’s bug
database. If you require assistance in troubleshooting a problem with
your device or runtime, either post your question to the Microsoft
public newsgroup (microsoft.public.windowsxp.embedded) or contact
Microsoft Product Support Services

Your Name:

Your e-mail address:
(Optional unless you want us to contact you):

XPe Version:
(Gold, SP1, SP2)

MUI Language Pack:
(N/A, English, Japanese, etc...)

Brief Bug Description or Product Suggestion:
(This is the Title of your Bug or Suggestion)

Detailed Bug Description or Product Suggestion:
(Be as detailed as possible, list hardware or software required to
repro the bug, etc...)

Steps to Reproduce the Bug:
(If applicable, please list the exact steps to repro the issue and be
as detailed as possible)

Additional Information:
(Paste sections of the FBA Log, the TD Build log, list of components,


Done. Although it was not important bug but just a non-SP1 legacy (R620).

Thanks for the link, Andy, anyway!


Thanks KM, Juergen and Bing

All your help came to the top as we now have OSK coming up at Login screen!


Paul Tyler
Athena USA
Thin Client Computing!

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