On & off sound



OK... here goes...

My neighbors PC (2.4 Celeronm 256 meg ram) has this funky sound issue.

Whenever he visits a website - say CNN - the sound works fine in Media
Player. But if he puts in a CD - nada, nuttin, zilch.

I first just thought it was a bug with Media Player 10 & downloaded MP11.
Didn't make any difference. Still no sopund.

In desperation I turned to the Lord of Darkness and downloaded and manually
installed Real Player. That worked fine for all sites and played CDs just

What gives? A free case of Molsons to whoever can solve this problem.


I downloaded the MSN Mgr 7.0..... upon install ALL my audio has ceased..if
you get this figured out I'll send you the Molson


Well gentlemen. We now have two cases of Molson on the table.

And still only sporadic sound. I'll raise the ante by adding a case of
LaBatts to the first successful solution provider.


HagarTheHorrible said:
OK... here goes...

My neighbors PC (2.4 Celeronm 256 meg ram) has this funky sound issue.

Whenever he visits a website - say CNN - the sound works fine in Media
Player. But if he puts in a CD - nada, nuttin, zilch.

I first just thought it was a bug with Media Player 10 & downloaded MP11.
Didn't make any difference. Still no sopund.

In desperation I turned to the Lord of Darkness and downloaded and manually
installed Real Player. That worked fine for all sites and played CDs just

What gives? A free case of Molsons to whoever can solve this problem.

Did he install a new CD-ROM? If so, there was possibly a cable that
should have been plugged into the CD-ROM and the sound card. It just
has two wires..

Where did my sounds go?


Hmmm... good point. Will check and advise. You may have a case of Molsons on
the way...

Ken Blake, MVP

HagarTheHorrible said:
OK... here goes...

My neighbors PC (2.4 Celeronm 256 meg ram) has this funky sound issue.

Whenever he visits a website - say CNN - the sound works fine in Media
Player. But if he puts in a CD - nada, nuttin, zilch.

I first just thought it was a bug with Media Player 10 & downloaded
MP11. Didn't make any difference. Still no sopund.

In desperation I turned to the Lord of Darkness and downloaded and
manually installed Real Player. That worked fine for all sites and
played CDs just fine.

What gives? A free case of Molsons to whoever can solve this problem.

Try here: "Where did my Sounds go?" at

I'll skip the Molsons, thanks. It's not a beer I'm fond of.


Just eliminated the cable possibility. If it was a cabling issue the beast
would not play CDs in either Media or Real Player.

Back to square one.

I need a beer....

Bob I

Look at Device Properties in Device manager. on the "Properties" Tab, is
"Enable digital CD audio...." checked?

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