OK, I'm new too.

Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
Hello, I arrived today and I'm just looking around for awhile. Seems a nice enough place here, hope I don't tread on anybodys' toes.
Ouch thats my big tootsie.......

Hello and welcome to the site. hope you stay a while....:D
Hiya NR117, nice to see you here :)

Best way to avoid stepping on people's toes is to look where you're going... ;)
Hello and Welcome.

... if you step on my Toes, you'll be the first to know. :D

My bark is worse than my bite. ;)
Hello and welcome!!
good thing i wear steel toe boots, so with that said tread away! im safe :p
Hello, i'm kinda new too, its cool here!
Cheers Kenny!! I have to say i cant think of anything that i would rather it be!!!!!! :D