Office licensing on terminal server



How does licensing for Office 2003 work on a terminal server? Is there a
special version of Office that must be installed on the server, and how is it
licensed? I have the terminal server CALs already - I just need to know how
to install/license Office so that it can be used remotely if necessary.

All the workstations have Office installed, although there is a mixture of
everything from Office 97 to Office 2003 and Basic to Pro. All the users have
workstations in the office but will need to connect remotely on occasion.

Do their workstation licenses suffice, and if so, how do I get it installed
on the server when there are multiple versions on the workstations? It seems
to me that the office OEM activation process requires the installation to be
on the same workstation as the initial activation for the specific license

Robert M. Franz (RMF)

Hello Brian
How does licensing for Office 2003 work on a terminal server? Is there a
special version of Office that must be installed on the server, and how is it
licensed? I have the terminal server CALs already - I just need to know how
to install/license Office so that it can be used remotely if necessary.

All the workstations have Office installed, although there is a mixture of
everything from Office 97 to Office 2003 and Basic to Pro. All the users have
workstations in the office but will need to connect remotely on occasion.

Do their workstation licenses suffice, and if so, how do I get it installed
on the server when there are multiple versions on the workstations? It seems
to me that the office OEM activation process requires the installation to be
on the same workstation as the initial activation for the specific license

This is hardly a suitable question for *.docmanagement; however (and
since, off the top of my head, I wouldn't know which group was more
on-topic :)), I'd check the following site:

which in turn links to



Thanks. Yes, it was hard to categorize this question, so I just picked the
most obvioius Office app and posted.

The MS information is pretty generic - it shows information on the terminal
server CAL's required to access the server, but all it says about Office
licensing is that you need one for each workstation that will access the
server. It's just not clear whether I just buy 10 copies & install one, or if
there is a volume licensing arrangement on this.

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