Office 2000 problems after joining New Domain



I am replacing one of our servers (a domain controller) and the new server
has a different domain name. When I join a W2K Pro PC to the new domain, I
get several problems with Office 2000 Applications.

1. Publisher crashes after you try to exit the Microsoft Publisher Catalog
which comes up when you start Publisher.

2. All apps (Word, Excel etc) ask for the User to enter their name and
initials the first time they run it.

3. Several registry settings seem to be missing when I am joined to the new

If I join back to the original domain everything works fine again. Is there
a way to stop apps asking for user initials etc in general.

Ricardo M. Urbano - W2K/NT4 MVP

GrahamO said:
I am replacing one of our servers (a domain controller) and the new server
has a different domain name. When I join a W2K Pro PC to the new domain, I
get several problems with Office 2000 Applications.

1. Publisher crashes after you try to exit the Microsoft Publisher Catalog
which comes up when you start Publisher.

2. All apps (Word, Excel etc) ask for the User to enter their name and
initials the first time they run it.

3. Several registry settings seem to be missing when I am joined to the new

If I join back to the original domain everything works fine again. Is there
a way to stop apps asking for user initials etc in general.

I can only speak to number 2. What is happening is that by joining the
machines to a new domain, every user gets a new profile on their machine
after they login to the domain for the first time. So, the prompt for
initials, etc., is what every user sees the first time they use an MS
Office app for a given profile.


All users use the same MANDATORY profile. I set up all the PCs using a single
image created from the first one. Because I did this users were never
prompted for their name and initials etc. Perhaps if I recreate the mandatory
profile on the new domain that will fix it.


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