Not looking good for me



After I log into Windows XP SP2 I get the following error...

"This application has failed to start becuase NORMALIZ.DLL was not found.
Re-installing the application may fix this." After I click "ok" I get
another error saying "explorer.exe not found" and it just sits at a blank
desktop. I tried starting windows in safe mode, but I get the say results.

Thanks ...


Does XP start and can you use it? If so, and you have the orig. installation
disk, insert it and click Start>run and type in 'sfc /scannow' without the
quotation marks, and with a space between sfc and the slash mark, and then
click OK. The process can take some time to complete. This is supposed to
repair IE, but not IE7 which is said to be presently buggy.


Media said:
After I log into Windows XP SP2 I get the following error...

"This application has failed to start becuase NORMALIZ.DLL was not found.
Re-installing the application may fix this." After I click "ok" I get
another error saying "explorer.exe not found" and it just sits at a blank
desktop. I tried starting windows in safe mode, but I get the say results.

Thanks ...

I recommend you to use a Free Registry cleaner which remove corrupt
entries in your Registry data. Start with RegClean v4.1a - if it not
fixes the problem, try using EasyCleaner.

If you have used RegClean and EasyCleaner and none of these fix the
problem, please scan your computer for possible malware infections.

Paul Greeff

Hi chaps. I believe you're overlooking a vital clue here - Media Man's PC
can't load EXPLORER.EXE in normal mode or safe mode, hence SFC won't work.
Nor will a registry cleaner mentioned in another reply to Media Man's post.
I had exactly the same problem today, so if anybody out there has a
solution, I'd like to hear it.

I was working on my PC (Windows XP Pro SP2) when it stopped responding.
More than a minute later, a blue screen with white text flashed for a split
second - too short to read anything - and the PC rebooted. Thereafter,
while the XP logo is displayed during bootup, the PC stopped responding. In
Safe Mode, the Desktop background appeared, followed by an error while
loading EXPLORER.EXE. Then the only thing visible was a black background
with "Safe Mode" displayed in all four corners. Pressing CTRL-ALT-DEL and
clicking "Task Manager" did nothing.

So, any wise guys out there? I've been in this game for eleven years, but
not seen this particular pickle before...


John John

What happens if you do Ctrl-Alt-Del?


Paul said:
Hi chaps. I believe you're overlooking a vital clue here - Media Man's PC
can't load EXPLORER.EXE in normal mode or safe mode, hence SFC won't work.
Nor will a registry cleaner mentioned in another reply to Media Man's post.
I had exactly the same problem today, so if anybody out there has a
solution, I'd like to hear it.

I was working on my PC (Windows XP Pro SP2) when it stopped responding.
More than a minute later, a blue screen with white text flashed for a split
second - too short to read anything - and the PC rebooted. Thereafter,
while the XP logo is displayed during bootup, the PC stopped responding. In
Safe Mode, the Desktop background appeared, followed by an error while
loading EXPLORER.EXE. Then the only thing visible was a black background
with "Safe Mode" displayed in all four corners. Pressing CTRL-ALT-DEL and
clicking "Task Manager" did nothing.

So, any wise guys out there? I've been in this game for eleven years, but
not seen this particular pickle before...


Paul Greeff

Hi John

The "Windows Security" box comes up (where you can click Lock Computer, Task
Manager, Shut Down, etc) as you'd expect. What I wanted to do was run Task
Manager in order to start either Explorer or try to run the Computer
Management console, but taskman never appears.


John John

You might want to try to boot Safe-Mode with Command Prompt and run SFC
or other tools/programs from there.


Paul Greeff

Hi John

No go there, either. In the meantime, I found the source of the problem -
my hard drive is going bad. Just completed a reload this morning on a
different area of the disk that doesn't seem to have any bad sectors at this
stage, and I've asked for a replacement hard drive as well.

Thanks for your input, though. Keep well.


John John

Ok. Thanks for the follow.


Paul said:
Hi John

No go there, either. In the meantime, I found the source of the problem -
my hard drive is going bad. Just completed a reload this morning on a
different area of the disk that doesn't seem to have any bad sectors at this
stage, and I've asked for a replacement hard drive as well.

Thanks for your input, though. Keep well.



I just installed 7.0 a few days ago and now have problems. Upon starting PC
I get a blank desktop with no options available. I then get the NORMALIZ.DLL
window. What is the fix since because I can only get to the task mgr after
clicking control, alt, delete

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