Non-Responsive Internet Explorer 6



I'm just so out done. I was on internet explorer taking a driving test even.
To my disbelief the program became non-responsive. It stated that it needed
to shut down. Can you imagine how that made me feel during a test that I
spent 40 dollars on. I was taking a chance on loosing everything. Please, I
beg for help on this issue. Also, I always experience this also, with my
Sonic Stage. All this makes me simply ill. Thanks so much for any help
possible on this issue


Best Regards,

Steven Burn

Are the site's you visit using scripting, ActiveX or Java by any chance?, if
so, you'll need to check your IE security settings aren't too high.


Steven Burn
Ur I.T. Mate Group

Keeping it FREE!

I know I'm probably wrong, I just like taking part ;o)

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